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"Are you sure this is the direction he went, Maple?" Lupin asked,

"Yes, why wouldn't it be?" Maple replied, frowning,

"Well, he might not have followed the path, he may have gone an absolute different direction?"

"Hmm...well he could..." She said, considering it, "But I'd much rather follow the path than go off somewhere, not knowing my way,"

Lupin sighed, "Suit yourself then,"

"Did you bring any water?" She asked him. Lupin swung his backpack off, from his back, and unzipped it, he then chucked a bottle to Maple,

"Thanks," She said, "I haven't had a drink since this Morning, I just... I couldn't drink that tea -"

She broke off and sipped the water, then closed her eyes,

"I still think there's something up with that Silvanus guy, you know," She worried,

"I suppose he does seem slightly suspicious," Lupin agreed, " I said...he could just be looking forward to seeing the people free, I mean, who would want their friends under that Queen's control?"

"Ok...well, when you look at it that way..." Maple began, then paused, "Nope, still not changed my mind about him,"

Lupin shook his head, and tutted.

They carried on walking along the path, bickering, arguing, until...

"Look," Maple gestured towards, what looked like, the ending of the path. Buildings had started to become visible ahead.

"That must be Tree-leaf," Lupin said, a smirk painted upon his face.

"Come on!" He exclaimed and started to walk faster,

"You're not planning on doing something stupid, are you, Lupin?" Maple replied, jogging behind him,

"No," He said, "Why'd you think that,"

"Well, I mean, look at your face..." It had a smirk plastered across it, "And the speed you're walking,"

"Ugh, stop acting annoying Maple," He began - stomping his feet as he ran, "You're just...just so suspicious of everything,"

She rolled her eyes at this remark,

"Just because I use my brain doesn't mean that I'm suspicious,"

The trees had now become thinner and spread a good distance apart, as had the buildings belonging to the main village, of which housed the Queen and her prisoners inside.

"We...we're getting c...closer..." Maple worried, " you really think this is a good i...idea Lupin?" She stopped jogging,

"Uhhmm...No," Lupin said, matter of factly, "But...nothing bad will happen,"

"I know you want to see this village as much as I do," He continued,

The children then slowly emerged from the woods, it looked (Lupin thought) just the same as his village, except... there were no people...creatures...beings. No sign of habitation or life. They walked further in, passing welcome signs and some not so welcome at all...

Shops had boards over the windows, the words 'closed' plastered over them. Some had collapsed, maybe even been attacked. Homes too. As they walked, the more eerie it seemed, maybe even more than the ruins. An old looking squirrel wondered across their path, a beer cup dangling from his right paw, and an orange-like liquid dripping from it to the floor,

"Beware," He called to them, in a warped sounding voice, "Bewaaareee," He called again, extending the vowels,

"Oat sees baaaad things...death...DEEEAAATH," He waved his paws about and walked closer to them, a sweet, sickening, aroma surrounded him. They tried to walk around the squirrel but he stepped in front and pointed a finger in their faces...

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