'Big Day'

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Lupin awoke to the sound of bird song and the clashing of pots and pans - Tortuga must be up. He could hear sizzling and popping and could smell something cooking. Lupin sat up, Maple was still sleeping, her hair a mess over her face.

"G'mornin' Lupin, I though' I'd make ye both a cooked breakfast," Tortuga said, taking slices of bread and putting them under the grill.

"How'd ye sleep lad?"

Lupin yawned and stretched his arms,

"Fine, thanks, Tortuga," He replied, still sleepy and rubbing his eyes,

Lupin slowly stood up and out of his bed, just as Maple stirred,

"Ah, Mornin' Maple!" Tortuga called,

"Morning." Maple mumbled,

"Now, I've had a look through me wardrobe this Mornin' for some clothes that are abou' yer sizes, I couldn't find many but I did fine some material, and I did me best to make these for ye both," He gestured toward the chairs at the kitchen table, hung over one were a pair of trousers, made out of random (what looked like) scraps of brown material, and a top made up of lots of green patches, on the other chair lay a purple patched tunic-top and cut off, three-quarter-length black trousers,

"It's the best I could do, I'm afrai'," Tortuga said,

"Thank you, Tortuga," Lupin said, and picked up the clothes,

"I'll go try them on," He smiled, and headed off to the bathroom,

Maple had now gotten out of bed, and delved into her backpack. She pulled out a wide-tooth comb and started running it through her nest of hair.

"Hah, I knew this would come in handy!" She said to herself, in a hushed and triumphant tone,

Maple's hair quite often got in tangles, she had short, voluminous, thick hair, that often caused her trouble! She was frequently brushing and combing it just to keep it straight and from knotting.

Lupin reappeared wearing the clothes Tortuga had made him, they just about fitted him perfectly,

"Lovely," Tortuga said, looking Lupin up and down, glad that they fitted him,

"Now, Lupin, would ye mind helpin' me lay the table?" He questioned,

Lupin walked over to the kitchen,

"Maple, why don't ye go and try yer clothes on while we dish up breakfast?" Tortuga suggested, holding them out to her,

"Okay," Maple said, taking and examining the clothes,

"These look amazing, Tortuga!" She praised, as she wondered toward the bathroom,

"The cutlery is in this drawer, Lupin," Tortuga said, pointing to Lupin's left,

He then got three sets of knives and forks out, they looked ever so shiny and had tiny, delicate, patterns all over the handles. Lupin then set them on the table getting a whiff of the purple flowers as he did so.

"Ah, toast is ready!" Tortuga announced, he then pulled the grill from the oven and put a slice on each of the plates, followed by the fried eggs - they were placed on top.

Tortuga then set the food on the table and placed salt and pepper shakers there too,

"Careful, it's quite hot still," He warned,

Just as Lupin sat down at the table, Maple emerged from the bathroom,

"Ah, absolu'ely gorgeous," Tortuga smiled, as Maple walked over to the kitchen,

"Breakfast is ready," He gestured to the table where Lupin was sitting,

"Be careful not too spill anythin' down ye,"

Tortuga wondered over to a cupboard, took three glasses out of it and filled them with flavoured water,

"Thank you," Both children said, as the glasses were placed in front of them. Tortuga then sat down,

"Children, 'tis a big day today, y'know? I'm gonna be takin' ye to see some really quite importan' people,"

Maple and Lupin both looked at him, intrigued, confused,

"Oh, please don't tell me you're taking us to meet the Queen," Maple said worriedly, Tortuga chuckled and shook his head,

"No, no, I wouldn', gives me the chills just thinking abou' her,"

Maple let out a relieved sigh,

"Who are we going to see then?" Lupin questioned, curiously,

"Ah, well, you'll have to wait an' see, kids," He said, tucking into his fried egg on toast,

"I'm afrai' I'm not allowed to tell ye much," He continued, waving his fork around,

After all the plates were cleared, Tortuga put them in the sink,

"We best be off soon, children," He said, checking a clock hanging on the wall, it was made out of a circle of wood and had old cutlery for hands.

"Make sure to gather up all yer things,"

Maple and Lupin stood from the table and packed the remaining things into their bags, while Tortuga unhooked a brown duffle bag from his coat-stand. He started putting lots of random things into it, including, the pieces of paper that Lupin had seen earlier. He then slung the bag over his shoulder and grabbed (what looked like) a walking stick.

"Make sure ter grab yer coats, It looks like it could rain!" Tortuga said, as he opened up the door,

The three of them then marched out of the cosy house, Tortuga closed the door behind them,

"This way!" He announced and, with his staff pointing straight ahead, he led them back into the Whispering woods.

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