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The fire had become a single burning piece of coal, sizzling silently and nearly burnt out. That's when Taryn woke, for the coldness of outside was seeping in, and it had become ever so chilly. She slowly got up and out of the arm chair and headed for the coal bucket, then waved her hand resulting in a dusty, black cloud and a burst of red flame, warmth now blazed into the room. She began to wonder around to shake the sleepiness out of her and stretch her legs, she put the kettle on to boil, yet again. She poured the bubbling liquid into her cup and three others, and placed them onto the trolley. She rubbed her hand over her face, wiping away her tiredness then glanced around. 'Where was Tortuga and the children?' She hobbled over to the kitchen window and peered out, to find only the view of Tortuga's front lawn, empty of any sign of life.

Taryn shuffled to the door, clutching her purple jacket and headed outside. Once she had finally managed to shrug it on she circled left around the house, she approached a little pen and coop with chickens pecking at corn and grubs inside... no sign of them though. She continued to search around and inside the house, half an hour had passed but still no luck. Suddenly a rustling came from the trees beside her and a figure emerged...

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