The Anti Queen Club

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They were led toward a tall and twisted Willow tree, a bit like the one ontop of Tortuga's home. Except that this one was overridden with weeds and all sorts of unusual plants.

"Stand back," Tortuga warned them, he approached a patch of tangled ivy near the base of the tree. He edged the end of his staff through it and hit something hollow sounding and hard...he tapped the stick against it three times... there was a deep creek, and the ivy sunk inward - toward the tree, and a dark opening formed.

"C'mon," Tortuga urged, gesturing for the children to go in,

"Quickly," He said, looking left then right, and hurrying in himself,

Tortuga pulled out a lantern from his bag and lit it with a match, a steep looking staircase appeared infront of them, going down, down, down. It wound round in a spring-like spiral and was overflowing with weeds.

"What is this place?" Lupin asked, his breath visible because of the cold,

"Ah, well...y... you'll find out s...soon, lad," Tortuga said, stumbling over his words, not knowing how to answer,

"Jus' follow me," He continued, starting to walk down the stairs, the children trailed after him.

After, what felt like forever, they neared the end. Lanterns were hung from the ceiling, swinging in the drafty breeze. Everything became lighter, clearer, easier to see. They stepped off of the last and remaining step and in front of them, there emerged, a narrow and echoing, hallway. They walked up it. After some time, and quite a while of walking, in front of them sat yet another door, it was old and wooden, and a warm-looking glow came through the cracks.

"Ye ready, children?" Tortuga asked, as he put his hand against it,

Maple and Lupin looked to one and other, nervously, having no idea what to expect. But, still, they nodded...

Tortuga pushed and the door swung open,

A burst of light shone out towards them, burning their eyes as they left the dim hall. Tortuga led them through the doorway. A big circular table was in the center of a round, cave-like room. Yet, even though it seemed a cave, it was warm and homely, different compared to most. Around the table were twelve chairs, one of which looked much more important, grander and prouder against the others. In those chairs there sat many different creatures, an old-looking one, wise seeming with a grub-like look, was placed in the main spot, he was sat in the grandest chair. The creature was hunched and doddery, and shook as he raised his head to look at them.

"T...Tortuga," He stuttered,

"Glad you c...could make it,"

Tortuga smiled and beckoned the children forward from behind him,

"Maple, Lupin, this is Silvanus," He said, gesturing towards him with his hand, the old creature smiled, his bushy eyebrows raised upwards. He then stood.

As he got up, Lupin could see, a shell like a snail's nestled on his back. Delicate swirls and patterns were painted upon it and light seemed to reflect off, which gave his shell a shiny and glossy look. Silvanus held out a hand...

"N...nice to meet you both," They each took his hand in turn, he shook them firmly. His hand was cold and slightly slimy, Lupin thought, and fingers - he had only three.

"I'll get ye both some chairs," Tortuga said, nodding to Silvanus as he hurried over to the other side of the room,

Ten more faces then peered at them and began to introduce themselves, they soon found themselves surrounded by the eager voices,

"Welcome children, I'm Sesame," A butterfly-creature said, fluttering her wings,

"I am Hector," A man said, proudly, he looked as if he was half bull,

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