Aunt Taryn

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"'Ight here we are," Tortuga said, as they finally approached the path to his home,

Lupin could see a small face peering out of one of the windows, cherub-like, just the same as Tortuga's. Except for the skin tone...her face was more of a purple... lilac if you like. Still as sickly looking though. Lupin then broke his gaze and as soon as he looked back, the face was gone.

"Strange," He muttered,

They began to approach Tortuga's front door, but before they could even think about reaching for the swung open. A squat looking tortoise stood before them, a wrinkled smile spread across her face as she beamed up towards them. She stood there for a while just looking at them, smiling, eyes shiny. She began to slightly creep Lupin out, just slightly.

"Taryn," Tortuga said, trying to bring her back to reality,

"Taryn!" He said more urgently, "Why don't ye go put the kettle on, eh?"

This caught her attention, she nodded and gave them another grin, then waddled off inside.

"Sorry 'bout that," Tortuga said in a whisper, he smiled as the children followed him inside, they slipped their shoes and coats off and hung them over the kitchen chairs, then went to sit down on Tortuga's lovely green sofa,

"She's a bit well...she's gone slightly...loopy, since this Queen started rulin'," He said, sighing, "Well, I guess, it's changed many people, some more 'an others,"

Taryn, as Tortuga had called her, then came hobbling back to sit with them, kettle left boiling on the stove.

"Maple, Lupin, this is Taryn," Tortuga said, gesturing towards the old tortoise, who was just about to sit down.

"Nice to meet you both," She said to Lupin and Maple, "And It's Aunt Taryn to you, lovey," She corrected, nodding her head towards Tortuga. He hung his head and gave a tiny smirk,

"Sorry," He replied,

Taryn now started attempting to sit in the chair, very nearly ending up on the floor, Tortuga helped her backwards into it.

"Where's yer walkin' stick, Aunty? Y'know the one I made ye?"

"Ah..." Taryn began, "Well..."

"You haven't been an' lost it again have ye?" Tortuga fussed,

"Maybe I have...maybe I haven't..." She replied, "I don't need the darn thing anyway," She shook her head, sighing and smiled at Lupin and Maple as she used her foot to push the stick under the chair. Tortuga had now gone to finish making their tea as Aunt Taryn had forgotten all about it.

She wore a flower-crown on her head, purple, green and orange were just a few of the many colours woven into it. The green seemed to compliment her eyes, of which were a dazzling, electric, shade of the colour. Dozens of necklaces were layered around her short, tortoise neck. Beads threaded upon string, many crystals on cord or chain, shells, pretty rocks and countless more. She also wore many bangles on her wrists.

"I wonder..." Taryn began, as she pulled something out of a bag she'd been carrying,

"Do either of you two like cake?"

"Oh yes!" Lupin said, smiling at the old tortoise, Maple nodded,

"Oh that's good then," Taryn replied, she placed a box on the small table infront of them, delicious looking vanilla muffins sat inside. They were covered in lovely, shiny, chocolate chips.

"Tortuga said that you were amazing at baking," Lupin said,

"Oh, did he now?" She queried,

"Well I can see why! These look so beautiful!" Lupin praised,

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