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Lupin took its hand, while trembling slightly, and the monster helped him up, Maple hesitated but took his hand too.

"I'm Maple a...and this is Lupin," She said, gesturing toward Lupin, who was still slightly shocked,

"What were th...those...those...things?" Lupin questioned, shuddering at the thought,

"Humbullug hunters, or as you would say: 'Human hunters'" Tortuga answered,

"Not the prettiest of things are they?" He chuckled, Maple and Lupin looked at each other and then back at Tortuga, worriedly,

" they hunt humans?" Lupin questioned, panic edging into his voice,

"Yes, yes they do, that's why I'm here," The tortoise creature replied,

Tortuga began leading them through the forest,

"Where are we going?" Questioned Maple as some sort of bird-rodent colony swooped over them, heading in the opposite direction,

"You'll see,"

As they walked, the woods grew darker, leaves scattered the floor, leaving trees bare. Animals and creatures were fleeing from where the three of them were headed, trying to find another place for their own. The ground became swamp-like and squelchy. Covering their feet in mud.

"Tortuga..." Lupin started,

"Hush..." He whispered, "Follow me...quietly," He continued in a small voice,

Lupin and Maple did as they were told and followed him further afield, they approached an opening in the trees and stood there - still and quiet. Dust blew with gusts of wind blocking their view for a second, then as it cleared what they saw was devastating...

"One more gone...destroyed..." Tortuga muttered under his breath,

"Is that what I think it is?" Whispered Maple,

"If you are thinking that this...this once was a village then...yes, yes, it was,"

They all stared at it in unison, smoke and dust lingered in the ruins, glass scattered across the ground, and nobody seemed to be present. It looked abandoned. Shock struck across their faces.

"'Ight," Tortuga began,

"There doesn't seem to be any Humbullug hunters 'round, follow me," He continued closer to the wreckage,

Lupin and Maple stayed where they were stood,

"C'mon, we haven't got much time to be dawdling," Tortuga said, looking back over his shoulder,

"Humbullug hunters did this?" Both Lupin and Maple questioned, wide eyed,

"Yes...they did," He answered, "But it's not just their doing...ah no," He muttered distantly,

"Who else did this then?" Lupin queried,

"You'll see," Tortuga simply said again, turning and walking,

"Follow me,"

This time Lupin and Maple hurried behind him, careful not to slip over,

They wondered past every destroyed building, shop, home, until they came to a was standing right in the centre of it all. It was a man, dressed in rather smart attire, he wore a waistcoat, bow tie, top hat, a coat with a tail and a large cape that flared out behind him, and on his eye, a quite intelligent looking monocle. His face seemed soft and kind, yet powerful, brave, important.

"Woah," Both children said, as they stared up at the statue,

"Every single village has one of these statues, it is of the most admired and powerful person I and all my folk know of, the bravest, greatest, most fearless person, the most incredible... well..." The creature paused and let out a sigh, "at least he used to be,"

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