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Sitting in an armchair is Zinnia, both knees bouncing uncontrollably, anxiety taking over. She is attempting to read a book, but failing.
She gets up, thoughts racing around her mind. No matter how much she tries, nobody will help her.
Yet again she finds herself opening the door and marching up to the Mayor's home.

She knocks, a face peers out of the big bay window, fashioning an eye roll.
The door swings open and out comes the Mayor's wife. A flouncy woman, with shiny hair that bounces.

"Zinnia," She sighs, "Here yet again," Zinnia steps forward, and begins to pace back and forth infront of her. Hands fiddling with anything they're able to get hold of.

"Why, w...won't you help find my... children?" She struggled to say the last word. Breathing becoming fast. "Why c...can't we look further than our v...village?" Her eyes were bloodshot and pleading.

"And I'll tell you again and again," The Mayor's wife said sadly,
"We cannot allow you to cross into the woods, or anyone for that matter,"

"But...but..." Zinnia can't think straight, everything is floating around her mind, anything, anything. Something.

"What's the problem my love?" A voice echoes from the hall,
"Who is it?"

A tall, carefree woman stomps up behind her, with hair cropped into a purple pixie cut. Piercings all the way up her ear.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2022 ⏰

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