Beel X fem reader ☁️taste tester☁️

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A/n HII your probably getting sick of me by now😎😎  tbh idk if this will be that great 🤷‍♀️ enjoy~~

It's Monday and that means  it's my turn on diner duty. Not to toot my own horn but I would say I'm a pretty good cook and it seems everyone enjoys the human world food that I make.

I finished tying a black apron around my waist and pushed a piece of stray hair behind my ear.

"Ok! I think I'm ready " I smiled while looking at the ingredients that sat on the counter.

"Is it your turn to make dinner?" A soft but deep voice said from behind me.

I turned around with a surprised expression plastered amongst my face "Beel! You scared me" I chuckle.

"Oh I'm sorry" Beel smiled lightly.  "What are you making?"

"Human world spaghetti!"

"May I watch you make it" A soft blush spread across his checks.

"Aw of course!"

I start making it Beel not too far behind me.

As I stir the sauce I feel a strong pair of arms wrap around my waist. "Beel?!"

"It smells really good, I don't know if I can wait until diner." His head rests on my shoulder.

"Would you like a taste?" I hold up a spoon full of sauce. Beel excitedly nodded and opened his mouth.

I feed it to him "yum" he gave me a warm closed eye smile.  "Thank you Y/n, I love you!"

A/n HII this was pretty random but I hope you like it!~~

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