Barbatos X Fem reader 🥀perhaps Another time line🥀

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A/N HII Sorry for the break, I'm back with more angst, This will maybe have two parts but this one is about barbs. Enjoy~~

3d person Pov...

Barbatos sat the fine china tea pot down on the large table before silently returning to his perch next to lord Diavolo, whos hands were interlocked resting on the silky white table cloth. A few moments went by still dead quite. "I beg your pardon my lord but may I ask why you called a meeting with just the two of us?" Barbatos questioned.

Diavolo sighed "I- I think it's about time we get rid of Y/N"

Barbatos eyes widened and his breath hitched "by get rid.... you don't mean-" he stopped mid sentence.

"Yes... by get rid I mean kill her, We can make it look like an accident and-" Diavolo spoke only to get interrupted by Barbatos. "There must be another way!" This was indeed the first time the rather quite butler every spoke back to him. 

Diavolo raised an eyebrow then turning his head now lookin at his loyal servant. "My lord.... please there must be another way..... Just don't harm her."

"Oh yeah? What do you suppose we do then?"
Weeks later
Today was the planned day. The planned day that they would get rid of their dear student, y/n..

The demon brothers didn't know about their plan, neither did the members of the purgatory hall and they never would. the only ones who would ever share that secret was Lord diavolo and his butler.

Y/n came to the demon lords castle to bake with barbatos. When she arrived she automatically noticed something was off.

Barbatos was about to put the cake in the oven when Y/n asked him a simple question that would crush his soul.

"Hm?" He closed the oven door.
"What's wrong?"
"Whatever do you mean?" His whole body turned to face the girl that stood before him.

"Something been off with you, tell me"  her words soft yet having a great impact on the butler.

He paused, his strong green eyes planted towards the ground.

"Oh.... It must be bad if you don't wanna tell me. Sorry for prying"

"No! It's not that well it is but. I think it would be smarter if I told you later."
Awhile passed and the clock was ticking. barbatos time with the only love he considered real was running out, soon he would have to end it. The human he had fallen so hard for would now die by the mercy of his own hands.

The pair agreed on going for a walk. They soon stoped at a bridge. Y/n suddenly feel weak.  By this barbatos knew his Time was up.

"Barbs I- I don't feel so well" the human fell landing in barbatos arms. 

" I'm- I'm so sorry y/n" he spoke with a extremely Guilty voice.


" I put poison in your surveying of the cake believe me i didn't have a choice it it was an order"

"It's ok you did what you had to do."

"Perhaps in another timeline we could've worked out, I truly love you, my dear Y/n"

Jeez this sucked oh well take it for now lol Word count (538)

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