Mammon x fem reader 🥀Happier🥀

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A/n HII sorry for all the angst recently Anyway enjoy~~ 

song: Happier by Ed Sheeran. 

3'd person Pov...

Mammon watched from the balcony as you and Simeon kissed under the bright devildom moonlight... You had fallen for the sweet, kind angel everything Mammon was not. 

You looked happy... Really happy... But Mammon? He was happier with you. 

He bit his lip before turning away, He walked back inside only to be greeted by Lucifer. 

"Mammon, Your bills came" in Lucifer said in a stern voice. 

"mhm" Mammon avoided his eldest brother heading right for his room. 

Y/N Pov. 

I walked back inside, everyone was sitting in the common room, all accept... Mammon.

"where's Mammon?" I asked pushing a piece of stray hair behind my ear. 

"He stormed off to his room not too long ago" Satan replied not looking up from his book.

"His room? Is he ok" 

Asmo shrugged. 

"I'll go see"

I lightly knocked, no answer. 

"Mammon I know for a fact your in there" 

"What do you want Y/N?" He didn't sound like himself.

"May I come in?" I placed my hand on his gold door knob.

"Do what you want" 

I opened his door. Mammon was sitting by his window looking out into the night.

"Are you ok?" I questioned at his unusual behaviour. 

"Mhm" He clearly was not. 

"Are you?" I raised an eyebrow. 

He turned facing me, "Are you happy Y/N?" 


"Are you happy with Simeon?!" 


"Answer my damn question! Are you truly happy with him??" 

I looked down. "What do you mean by happy? Do I love him? well yeah... but"

Mammon turned back away. 

"I know I was happier with you..."

A/n HII Hope you enjoyed!~~ Word count (277)

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