Belphie X fem reader 🌶️wet dreams 🍋

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A/n HELLO is been so long. But I'm back to feed you with yet again another smut???? This is more like spice 😭😭. This one is for my friend who simps for belphie 😻😻😻 anyway enjoy~~
*Warning contains sexually manner(duh)  and strong language*

"Oh belphie~~"

Belphie jolted up, to see y/n standing at the end of his bed. "God I thought you'd never wake up" she said a playful grin spread across her face. 

"Yeah sorry y/n, did you need something???" Belphie asked moving his hair to the side.

"Oh yeah come down for breakfast before Beel snags it"

"Oh alright I'll be down soon"

"Mhm I should also go down, I'll see you soon" y/n said as she made her way out of his room.

Belphie sat there for a moment, before recalling the dream he was having a few minutes ago. He looked down to see the bugle under his blanket. He turned insanely red..
Belphie couldn't focus at all after the "incident" from this morning so he decided to skip the rest of the day and head back home to take a nap.
"Ohhhhh belphie~~"  belphie looked up to see y/n standing by his door frame wearing a light pink silk rope under it, matching light pink lingerie.

"Y/n?!" He asked covering his eyes while also hiding his blush.

"Awww come on you can look." Belphie felt y/n getting closer.

She Sat herself down on his lap and moved his hands away from his face.

Belphie slowly gave in and opened his eyes. slowly they started scanning y/n's body.
"Belphie if I'm not mistaken, hehe your checking me out" she smirked.


"Say why don't we do something more?" She pushed belphie back leaning in for a kiss. 
Belphie opened his eyes not to see y/n but a blank ceiling "another one!?" He mumbled "well I guess there not too bad..."

A/n ok so idk where I was going with this... Haha it was kinda think as I go I didn't really have an idea for it so that's why it was sorta sucky 😭😭 anyway see you next time~~ ❤️

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