Lucifer X fem reader 🌶your mine and only mine🌶

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A/n HII so as much as I hate Lucifer I'm going to make a spicy one of him so enjoy~~

It was around midnight at the devildom and I was walking out of asmo's room (you already know) I fixed my hair before headings towards the kitchen.

I started pouring up a glass of water when I felt as if some one was watching me I turn around just to see Lucifer standing beside the door frame.

"Jeez Lucifer! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?!" I say almost spilling my glass of water.

"What where you doing in Asmo's room?" His piercing red eyes stared me up and down.

"Nothing, and even if something did happen why would I tell you?" I turn back around taking a drink of my water.

Lucifer took a few steps towards me.

This time I turned my whole body, "Lucifer look sav-" he cut me off by placing his lips on mine.

He pinned me up against the wall, "look Y/n your mine and only mine not my brothers mine" he didn't give me a chance to speak before he kissed me again this time more aggressive and passionate. "Let's take this somewhere else" he smirked slyly.

A/n HII thanks for reading lol~~ word count (218)

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