Lucifer X fem reader 🥀You only call me when your drunk🥀

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A/n HII so i have writers block and i asked my friend to give me a song to base this off and she said "Love me dead" but here's some more songs you could listen to when reading this.

Wish you were sober

whyd you only call me when your high?


my boy 

I feel like those kinda relate to this in a way enjoy~~ 

*Ring Ring* My D.D.D rang I simply stared at the contact that read "Lucifer<3" 

Lucifer was out with lord Diavolo tonight "Just answer him" I whispered to myself knowing he was more than likely drunk. 

I sighed "Hello?" I questioned into my D.D.D 

"Y/n!" a clearly intoxicated Lucifer spoke.

I bit my lip painfully "Yes Lucifer? do you need something?" 

"Do I need something? I just wanted to hear your voice" 


"Yes dear?"

"Have you been drinking?" my lip quivered as I spoke.

"Have I been drinking?" he repeated "Why would you assume that?" 

"Because you only call me when your drunk.." I looked up at my ceiling to try to stop myself from crying. 

There was silence for a moment "Y/N-"

I cut him off "save your sorry excuses, Goodbye... Lucifer" I hung up.

3d person Pov.

The drunkend Lucifer stared wide eyed as he held his D.D.D in front of him. 

Diavolo walked back in fixing his cuffs to his shirt "Lucifer? Something the matter?"

"Pardon me but I need to return back home" 

Y/N pov.

Tears streamed down my face as I hugged my pillow. I had just about had it with him and his stupid drinking problem. "Why can't he call me when he's sober..." I mumbled. 

A knock on the door made me jump I remained quite. 

"Y/N I know your in there" 


"Go away" I said in a low tone but still loud enough for him to hear me.

A deep sigh was let out by Lucifer "Y/n please?" he begged. 

"What do you want" god I hate it when he uses that on me, only for the fact that it got me every time. 

"May I come in?" 

Shit I couldn't let him see me like this "Uh-" 

I didn't get to say anything before he came in. 

I quickly hid my face.

"Y/N where you crying?" he seemed to have sobered up.


I felt a soft grip of my chin. Lucifer gently lifted my face seeing my red teary eyes. My eyes shifted away. 

"Oh Y/n I'm sorry" Lucifer sounded genuine. 

"I promise that I'll not just call you when I'm drinking but when I'm sober as well. Dear?"

I looked at him.

"I really am sorry" 

He pulled me into a hug, than kissed my forehead. 

A/n HII sooooo more Lucifer? Idk he's fun to write about. Bye for now loves~~ word count (455)

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