Chapter 1 - Through Space and Time

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Author's Note: To start with, I'll just say I got this ridiculous fic idea from the craziest dream I've ever had. :D I can't believe the kinds of things my mind comes up with while I'm sleeping. -_- xD Anyway, that aside, most of the plotline basically is going to follow what happened in my dream, except I embellished details here and there. ~ Tirana

Warning: I don't mean to offend anyone, but I just want to make this clear from the start. If you're one of the people who can't admit that Obi-Wan is actually very flawed, then you're reading the wrong fanfic. I don't have any interest in getting into long arguments about it later on.

Claiming that he doesn't have any flaws, or that the only real one he had was something really lame like 'loving Anakin too much' (if only that were true), is completely denying his humanity. You can't truly care about a character if you refuse to admit their flaws, just because you want to see them in a more positive light then what they're really like. For instance, if you don't want to believe that Obi-Wan's actions had a major role in Anakin's Fall, then you're definitely reading the wrong fanfic. :)

Okay, so with that settled, read on if that's what you want to do. =D

~ Tirana Sorki

One mistake could throw the entire world, the entire galaxy into chaos.

Harmony Fernsby stands in front of the ancient machine in the basement of her house, scrolling through the controls on the small view screen.

All her life she's been obsessed with Star Wars. Although also unlike literally every other Star Wars fan she's ever met, she actually sees it as real. Yes, the movies were created by a person, but that doesn't mean the Star Wars universe itself isn't physically real, just in a different galaxy or dimension.

Space, time, reality... they don't make sense to anyone, least of all humans. Just because someone created Star Wars movies here on Earth doesn't mean the universe wouldn't have existed if it hadn't been created here. And no, she doesn't care who thinks she's crazy for believing that.

As stupid as it might seem, she's always wished that she could have given Anakin a happier ending. He didn't deserve any of the things he went through.

Still, it wasn't something she ever actually truly believed she'd have the chance to do until now.

Until that day that her grandparents died, and she inherited this house of her own from them. There were all sorts of rumors about the house, which was why she was initially a little wary about coming here in the first place. Many often said that it was haunted because of the things that could happen there, but after looking around, she quickly realized what was behind all the whispered rumors she'd heard in the past.

The machine hidden away in the basement. A machine to change and alter reality in so-called 'fictional' universes.

Yes, she always knew that Star Wars was real, but nothing could compare to her elation in that moment when she found the actual proof. Now she has the opportunity she's wanted her whole life. To change what really happened there, to give Anakin and Ahsoka and their family the lives they deserved.

What should she change? She can only pick one change to make. Or for that matter, should she actually try to change anything? She doesn't know what the consequences will be. Will it affect reality here on Earth too? What if she creates an effect she never intended too? What if she actually makes things worse?

Harmony's hand hovers over the "Enter" button as she scans the screen of what she typed in. She'd chosen a change that would make Padme far more understanding of Anakin, to create a universe in which they would actually talk. She can only hope this will prevent his Fall, or at least the worst of what came after. If they trusted each other, everything would have been different.

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