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(Just so you guys know, things in italics are flashbacks or memories that the characters have)

Two months earlier...

Can't has decided to take me for a walk around the beach.

As we kept walking along the beach he suddenly stops. Is he okay? He looks like he's nervous and he never really is most of the time. "Kylie, there's something I would like to give you" he tells me. And now I'm curious about what he's going to give me. I hope it's something good.

"And what's that?" I ask.

"Here, I hope you like it" he says and pulls out a heart-shaped box out of his pocket. And when he opens it I'm completely shocked.

It's a ring. A sliver diamond ring to be exact.

"Oh my god, babe" I say in shock. "Do you like it?" he asks.

"I don't like it, I love it!" I say. This is so thoughtful. "Well it's just a simple ring for now. But it's like a promise ring"

I give him a shy look. Is it the right time? I know that we've been dating for a while but I didn't think he'd give this to me this early into our relationship. But I'm still incredibly grateful.

"I promise you that you and I will be together forever" he says confidently.

"I love you so much baby," I say. He walks up to me. His lips centimetres away from mine. "I love you too, babe" he responds and slowly presses his lips onto mine...

Kylie's pov

After he hung up the phone, I couldn't stop crying. I could only think of all the terrible things he said to me. How could someone go from being all sweet and loving to calling you all kinds of names?

And because of what? Because I talked to my ex boyfriend for the first time ever since we've broken up?But what hurt the most was that he didn't even believe me. After everything, he didn't even believe me.

And then of course I started to blame myself that I shouldn't have talked to my ex-boyfriend at all. I
should have just ignored him because I knew how Cain felt about him.

So of course I thought it was my fault and I had no one to blame but myself.

Cain's pov

"Damn you, Kylie!" I take my fist and punch the wall. "Look what you made me do!" I clench my fists looking at the giant hole.

I thought she was different. Different from all the other girls I've been with. She was supposed to be pure and innocent. That was one of the major reasons I started to like her in the first place. But she's none of that.

She proved it last night the moment she walked away with her damn ex who I hate so fucking much!

I feel so much anger inside of me right now. The anger I've never felt before about anybody else. I never want to see her again and she will be forgotten in no time. I'll make sure of it.

Later that day...

Kylie's pov

I grab my phone to call Melanie and she picks up after the second ring.

"Hey, Kylie. What's up"

"I need to see you. Something happened" I say.

"What happened?" she asks. I can't tell her here. My parents will probably hear me.

"You're scaring me, Kylie. Tell me" she says worriedly.

"It's about Cain"

"What do you mean? Did something happen to Cain?" she asks with a worried voice.

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