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Kylie's pov

After he put his hands on me, I was in complete shock because even though his behaviour was bad at times, never in a million years would I have ever thought that he would lay his hands on me during his outbursts.

I'm the type who doesn't want others to see me cry, but at that moment I just couldn't help myself. This time I couldn't hold back my tears. They were way
stronger than me so I let it out and that makes him realize what he has done.

Cain starts to apologize repeatedly. "I'm so sorry, babe, I didn't mean to. Please forgive me" he says then tries to reach for me.

"Don't touch me!" I yell.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do that, but you were pushing my buttons"

He says that as if it's going to make me feel any better.

He holds both of my shoulders to get me to look at him "Please stop crying and look at me."

But I don't. The tears just keep coming out.

"Come on, babe. I said stop crying and look at me"

This time I slowly look up at him up.

"I wouldn't have to do this kind of thing to you if you would just listen to me and do what I say"

Of course, he was trying to put the blame on me and make it look like it was my fault once again because
that's what he always does and will not stop doing. They want you to believe that you're the problem and not them.

"Come on, let's go to my place" he insists.

"I want to go home," I tell him.

"You what? Oh no. We need to talk about what happened tonight" he runs his fingers through his hair.

"But I can't come to your place. My parents will wonder where I am"

"Then tell them you're sleeping at Melanie's place. She'll cover for you"

"And what if my mom asks my aunt if I'm there?" I raise my brow.

"Then tell them that you're sleeping at Natalie's instead. Now let's just go" he waves his hand gesturing for me to come along.

So, I followed him and walked over to his car.

Melanie's pov
"Who came up with the idea for you to come here tonight? Is that the reason why you asked me where I am? So you could spy on me!" Edwin shouts in anger.

I don't know who the hell he thinks he is to talk to me like that.

"Answer me damn it!" He interrupts my thoughts. I sigh in frustration "we didn't come here to spy on you. We wanted to surprise you guys" I scowl.

"And then I saw you talking to some bimbo!" I point at the girl.

"So now I'm not allowed to talk to other girls except you?" he leans toward me.

"I didn't say that." I throw my head back in annoyance. "But how can I know if talking is the only thing you do?"

"If you think I'd do something behind your back then you don't trust me enough"

"What about Cain huh? What the hell was he even thinking?! How stupid can he be to flirt with another girl just when everything was going well again between him and Kylie?" I ask.

"I told him not to do it. But according to him, all they did was talk"

"Talk? You mean flirt!" I slightly raise my voice.

I wait for him to respond but he just glares at me as I do the same to him.

Authors note
Hey guys I'm so so sorry that I took forever and a day to update this story.
I've just been super busy with school and all. I will definitely upload another chapter later this week since I'm on Thanksgiving break. So, until next time🙂

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