Cain's pov
"Well look who it is over there" Daniel says to me while I'm on my phone. I look over where he's pointing and see who he's talking about.
"Oh, Melanie's over there. I'm gonna go say hi." Edwin says with enthusiasm.
So I start walking up to them right behind Edwin.
And damn, Kylie's looking hella fine today...
Kylie's pov
"Shit! Ewin's coming this way" Melanie shouts with her hands in her hair. It's so funny how she gets crazy over him."Hey guys!" Edwin says in a cheerful voice.
"Hey Edwin" me and Natalie wave. "Hi, Melanie" Says Edwin says still looking at her in awe. "Hi, Edwin" Mel says blushing her ass off.
"Would you like to take a walk with me for a sec? He asks Melanie. "Sure, I would love that." Melanie Responds. "Good. Let's go then." Edwin says walking away with Melanie. " Bye guys, I'll see you later" Melanie says hugging us quickly before she goes. "Okay cousin, have fun!" I shout.
"Here comes Cain.." I roll my eyes.
"Hey, Kylie, looking beautiful as always" Cain says with a stupid ass smirk on his face walking up to me and Nat. I'm getting annoyed already.
Plus did I mention that Cain and Natalie hate each other's guts?
"Natalie," Cain says while rolling his eyes.
"Cain," Natalie says giving him a death stare.After that, Cain blankly stares at me.
What a weirdo.
"How are you doing Kylie?" He asks me. Well, my day's been good till he came here but...
"I'm doing great," I respond just because I'm that nice of a person. "Well, that's good to hear" He says. I confused to why he's being so nice.
"Anyway... where's your loser of a boyfriend?" he says and I just stand there staring at him. As I'm about to talk, Natalie steps in for me. "Loser, huh? At least Kylie still prefers "a loser" over a jerk like you." she says making me feel like a proud mother because she stood up to him. And to be honest, no one does because they fear him for some reason.
"No one told you to open your mouth, Natalie. You're just bitter because you know you can never have someone like me." Cain says.
Natalie doesn't even like guys like him. And neither do I so I don't understand why he's being like that.
"Not everybody wants you, Cain!" Natalie says out of complete frustration.
"Sweetheart, you must be delusional or something. Of course, everybody wants me, I mean just look at me. he says pushing his brown curls back. I think I will scream if hear him say that one more time. Why is he so cocky most of the time?
"Ugh, please, can you just go away? I can't even stand listening to you right now!" I shout out sounding frustrated putting my head down in both of my hands.
He looks straight at me and I stare back like we're having an angry starring contest.
"Come on bro, let's just go" Daniel tells Cain. "Whatever, I don't have time for losers like you two anyway," Cain responds walking away from me and Natalie as he should have a long time ago.
"He's such an asshole"
"Yeah, that's my cousin alright" Daniel agrees.
"But seriously, I'm sorry for his behaviour though" Daniel chuckles. "Don't be, it's not your fault" I tell him.
"Well I know but... I just honestly think that he behaves that way because he likes you" Daniel tells me rubbing the back of his neck. He must be crazy if he's actually telling the truth right now.
"I thought you'd behave nicer towards someone you like and not like a complete idiot" I tell him.
"So.. I should go now. See you guys around" he says and walks away from us.
"Ugh, I hate him so much!" Natalie says stomping her feet in anger. "Promise me you'll never hook up with him?"
What the hell? Why would I? "Ew, of course not, I will never hook up with that jerk"
But you should never say never...

A Toxic Relationship
RomanceAfter one little mistake, kylie's life is about to take a horrible dark turn with her relationship. What happens when the person she loves most begins to slowly show his dark twisted self towards her... Will she be able to free herself from him?