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Kylie's pov
Today, I'm might be going to Cain's place. Ever since we've gotten back together, things have been going well.

"Hey, when am I going to see you?" He asks.

"I don't know. Maybe tomorrow" I respond. I hear him sigh before he speaks again." But I wanna see you tonight, babe" he says with a sad voice.

I just saw him last night but I guess I'll go again. "Fine, I'll see if I can come over for a while," I tell him. "That's my girl. See you tonight then" he happily says. Then we say our good bye's and end the call.

After I go upstairs and get dressed, I call Natalie. She picks up after several rings. "Hey..." I say.

"Hey" she responds. But I get straight to the point

"Are you still mad at me?" I nervously ask. When I told her that I and Cain got back together, she seemed angry.

"What do you think? Of course, I'm mad" she yells. "I still can't believe you just went back to him after everything he said and did to you" she continues.

"He said he was sorry. He told me he wasn't himself back then"

"Of course, he said he was fucking sorry. What else would he say after the way he treated you?" She says.

"Please Natalie, you have to understand that I love him. I can't just not give him a second chance" I tell her.

"Fine, do as you wish. But don't think for a second that he won't treat you badly again"

I'm now suddenly angry at what she said. "He won't! Can't you just be happy for me instead of being so damn bitter?!" I clench my fist.

"No, I can't be happy when my best friend is dating the biggest jerk of them all! She argues back. "Whatever. Do what you want, I don't care anymore"

"Fine! Neither do I!" Say and end the call. But I just stand there. It felt like my best friend didn't understand me at all. It was easy for her to say "why did you do this?" or "why did you do that?" But she never tried to see it from my point of view. I was in love with the guy and of course, I had to give him a second chance.

I wanted to believe that deep down he truly was a good guy and that everything that happened between us was just a one-time thing and it would never happen again.

Later that day...

"I'm so mad at her! She doesn't even know what it's like to be in love with someone" I clench my fists.

"Just don't mind what she's saying. The only good thing is that you and Cain are back together now"

"See, I told you everything would be fine again," Melanie says.

I all of a sudden blush while thinking of him.

"So when do all four of us go out like we used to do?" She asks.

"I don't know. I have to ask Cain. I'm seeing him tonight" I respond.

"So you've been seeing him every night now?"

"Um yeah, I guess I have" I respond then turn back around to face her. "How's everything between you and Edwin now?" I ask.

She sighs. "Um, are you guys okay?"

"I think we're okay.. but we're arguing about small things all the time"

"I'm sorry to hear that" I frown.

"It's okay But now let's eat because I'm starving" she rubs her stomach.

Later that evening...

As soon as I had gotten to Cains' room, we started to make out like crazy. When we got up to his room, we had removed our clothes to the point where I am only in my bra and underwear and he was in his boxers.

He picks me up and lays me down on the bed. He climbs on top of me and continues to kiss me.

He goes to my neck and works his way down to my chest. I sigh because I've been tired of just having sex whenever I see him. It's like we can't do anything else.

He heard me so his lips pull away from me and he looks at me. "What's wrong baby?"

I mentally roll my eyes. "Can we do anything other than just have sex? It feels like you only want me
to come over because you want sex and nothing else" I look down.

"That's not true. I want you here because I like to spend time with you" he frowns. "What would you like to do instead?"

"I don't know, maybe watch something on Netflix?" I shrug.

"Then let's do that," he says and turns on the tv.

Afterwards, we just laid down and cuddled with each other.

"Did you do anything fun today?" He looks down at me.

"No, not really. I was at work and then I met Melanie for a while"

How's everything between her and Edwin now?"

"She said that they were good now. But she also told me that they've been arguing a lot lately"

"Natalie and I argued too earlier today" I bring up.

"About what?" He asks.

"About you," I say.

"About me?" He crosses his arms.


"What did she say now?" He raised his eyebrows.

"She's angry at me for going back to you," I tell him.

"I don't know what the hell her problem is?!"

"Her problem is the way that you treated me before we broke up the first time"

"I already said I was sorry for that. I was going through some stuff and when I heard about you and Ryan, I lost it" he says in a sad tone.

"I know babe. But Natalie doesn't understand that"

"Natalie is just jealous"

"Jealous of what?" I look at him confused.

"She's jealous of you. Of us. Because she can never have what we have" he says then stays silent for a while before he speaks again.

"Whatever. I don't wanna talk about her anymore"

Authors note
Hey guys, I'm sorry for not updating for a while. I tried to make this chapter extra long for you to make up for it. Enjoy:) and make sure to vote ★

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