Chapter 2

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I yawn while I waited for my twin brother who probably forgot to turn his alarm clock on, I didn't bother to wear another jacket and baseball cap knowing Nam-ra will quickly give it to me since I'm in the classroom

"Noona! Why didn't you wake me up!" Su-Hyeok said, completely annoyed at my twin as I open the door

"You sleep peacefully so I didn't" I coldly said and we started to run towards the school and didn't bother to ride on a bus since there isn't any bus that would stop for us so we decided to just run while taking Su-Hyeok's bag

Both of us are now crossing the road while I run faster than Su-hyeok which made my twin complain about me running faster than him, we keep running inside when Su-hyeok stops so I stop too

"Noona, you can go ahead, I'll just gonna buy something" Su-hyeok said and run away without another word. I didn't believe what he said so I hurriedly went to the near female teacher and told her that there was some problem and lead her to where Su-hyeok was and we arrive at the half-finished building and went up

"Are you sure it's here Ms. Lee?" the teacher ask as I nod and we keep climbing when we heard some shouting and finally arrive and saw some bullies making fun of two nerds and one of them was a half-naked girl

"Noona?" Su-Hyeok said while he stood in front of the two victims while the teacher I bring scold the three bullies and get them in detention

"You're welcome" I coldly said and when to the girl and help her in dressing up while the two boys look away

"B-But they filmed me... They're gonna upload it tomorrow!" The girl shouted in panic as I help her to stand up

"I'll take care of it" I said and Signaled Su-Hyeok to help them while I left the place "When will those assholes grow up?" I mumbled and keep walking when I noticed Nam-ra, wearing my cap and holding my jacket dearly in her arms, I gotta say it, my cap fits her. She noticed me and run toward me and offer my jacket that looks super clean

"Here, thank you for yesterday. You don't have to do that, you might get sick" She said in concern as I took my jacket and wear it

"I don't get sick easily" I said was about to ask for my cap when she shove it into my head and covered my sight making me sigh and fix it as I quickly froze when I look at Nam-ra as my heart skipped a beat once again while her cheeks go warm

She has a beautiful smile

Third POV

Nam-ra smiled since she succeed in shoving the cap just like Y/n did to her yesterday, Y/n continue to stare when something grew out of her mouth which Y/n quickly covers it earning a confused and worried look from Nam-ra while Y/n use her hair to hide her ears

"Are you okay?" Nam-ra ask, worry was written on her face, and was about to touch Y/n who avoided her hand "Y/n...?" Nam-ra said as Y/n look at her showing her eyes full of fear and worry which surprises Nam-ra because it was the first time she saw Y/n like this

"S-sorry I gotta go" Y/n said and proceed to run away from Nam-ra who was still surprised at what she witnessed especially since she saw a hint of what Y/n was hiding and slowly place her hand on her mouth in shock

'Are those fangs...? And why are her ears pointy? And her eyes, it was like golden ones'

Nam-ra arrived in her classroom and noticed Y/n isn't there yet as she lost hope and sat on her chair and put her earphones on while she noticed Su-hyeok was talking to Cheong-san

"Lee Su-hyeok" Nam-ra calls causing Su-hyeok to look at her in surprise and confusion "Where's your twin?" She ask while Su-hyeok was about to answer when the door opens showing Y/n who had a surgical mask on and glance at Nam-ra as she coughs

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