Chapter 8

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The sun rises as the light went inside the room where Y/n and her classmates are and all of them woke up one by one

"Aish... My back hurts" Su-hyeok complained since he did sleep with his back curved in a weird way when his eyes fell on Y/n who was laying down on three chairs that were lined on her back and Nam-ra on top of her with her jacket on Nam-ra's back while her cap was on the floor "Look... They're cuddling" Su-hyeok pat Cheong-san and pointed to the president and vice-president who sleep peacefully

"Did Nam-ra finally confess?" Cheong-san whispered to Su-hyeok who shake his head

"I bet it was Y/n" Su-hyeok said as the two boys smirked

Y/n started to wake up since the light shone towards her face, she groggily opened them and yawn when she felt a weight on her as she look down and saw Nam-ra sleeping peacefully, she stare for a while with a small smile when she heard someone whistle as her smile falter and look at her twin who was giving her a teasing smile while wiggling her eyebrows, Y/n clicks her tongue in annoyance and look back at Nam-ra and gently shake her to wake her up

"Hey... Wake up" Y/n said earning a groan from Nam-ra who buried her face in her chest "Wake up, Aegiya" Y/n accidentally said Aegiya without realizing it and it caught everyone's attention, especially Nam-ra who raise her head up and look at Y/n in a surprised expression

"Did... Did you just call me Aegiya?" Nam-ra ask as Y/n blinked several times trying to absorb what she said, her face went so red, and quickly sat up causing Nam-ra to sit on her lap

"I-I didn't!" Y/n said in panic and her ears automatically went extra pointy and look around, realizing everyone was looking at them, Nam-ra chuckled and stood up while Y/n quickly took her cap and wear it as she lowered her head

All of them waited for anyone to come while Nam-ra sat next to Y/n and started to play with her finger while Y/n tried to stop thinking about last night, On-jo talked about the signal that her father teach her

"SOS?" Nam-ra and Y/n said at the same time causing them to blush and look away

"Right... We should just SOS on the curtains?" On-jo said, trying to contain her slight jealousy of Nam-ra

"We can't last long anyway... Three minutes of no oxygen, three days of no water, three weeks of no food" Nam-ra said as she cross her eyes while Y/n look at her

"What's that?" Su-hyeok asked, clearly didn't know what it was

"It's how long a person can survive" Y/n answered causing Su-hyeok to him in response

"It's only been a day. We have to try the best we can" On-jo said making Y/n and Nam-ra look at her

"We'll show signs of dehydration after today. We won't be able to move by tomorrow" Nam-ra answered and annoyance could be seen on On-jo's face

"What are you getting at? Are you saying we should go? Or are you saying that we'll die anyway, so we shouldn't bother doing anything?" On-jo asks and Y/n could another fight will start

"On-jo..." Y/n called out in a warning tone while Nam-ra look away and her expression was blank

"I don't know..." Nam-ra said as Y/n looked at her

"Then don't say anything" Ji-min said as Y/n shot a warning glare

"I think Nam-ra was saying that we should think about all our options. Right?" Y/n said and look at Nam-ra, clearly trying to stop the others to corner Nam-ra

"No..." Nam-ra said making Y/n's head perk up "I mean, we know nothing. We need to know more to think and make plans-"

"What do you mean?" Ji-min ask as Y/n sigh and shake her head

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