Chapter 5

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Y/n crosses her arms while Su-hyeok explain about her sudden disappearance of 8 years and the others just noticed how Y/n's eyes had a golden like highlight when the light hit them so that's why she always wears her baseball cap

"What do you mean? Wait, I'm confused" Ms. Park said and rub her forehead and look at Su-hyeok "Are you telling me that Y/n disappeared for 8 years and came back with a lot of bruises and deep wounds? And an X symbol on her back?" Ms. Park ask as she try to absorb what she learned while Su-hyeok nodded

"Yes, I could show you right now" Y/n said and remove her jacket and turn around letting her back face them as she lift her shirt showing the tattoo and some scars on her back causing the other girls to gasp while the boys had their eyes widen "I was kidnapped..." Y/n pull down her shirt and look at them "I was kidnapped by an illegal organization called Project X that was trying to make another evolution of humans... They also tried to make zombies but failed but all of a sudden, their specimen turns into something that they didn't expect..." Y/n explained while the others listen carefully because Y/n rarely talks so much

"And that specimen is you... Right?" On-jo hesitantly said while Y/n looked at her and nodded

"Yes... And that's where they realize that they made a mythical creature that died thousand years ago" Y/n gulps and clench her hand into a fist as she looks down "They made a Dokkaebi that has no control over its emotion... In order for me to look human again... I have to turn off or should I say hold back my emotions... I have to turn off all of my feelings to become human again" Y/n said and sat down as she sighs

"Noona..." Su-hyeok said and went to hug his twin who holds her hand up to stop him and look at him

"I'm sorry if I became harsh since the day I returned... My goblin side is a mess... An emotional mess" Y/n said and clench her hair and let out a shaky breath

"Just like the Kdrama goblin... That means you are powerful like him right?" Nayeon asks in hope while Y/n shakes her head and leans back on her chair

"All those powers in that Kdrama were all fake... Well some of them are true, especially the money thing" Y/n said and held her hand up and a stack of money appeared causing Dae-su's mouth to hang open and Y/n to give it to him

"No wonder you always treat the whole class, especially Nayeon!" Ji-min said causing a sense of pride in Nayeon while Dae-su and Wu-jin are counting the money when Y/n felt a gaze on her as she look to her side and saw Nam-ra staring at her with her eyes sparkling in happiness

"Earlier, you turn your emotions off right? That means you're turning them on in order to use your spikes?" Nam-ra ask causing all of them to look at Y/n for an answer

"Uhh..." Y/n scratches the back of her neck, unsure of what she will say "I don't how to say this but, my powers cannot get turned off. They only weakened so I'm using 50% each of all my powers" Y/n said and remembered what happened in the science lab "And at the science lab, you just saw what I really look like if I turn on my emotions and you saw my real self" Y/n explained when Dae-su scream as all of them looked at him who pointed Y/n

"You're skin turn green!" He said causing Nam-ra and Y/n to shake their head while Wu-jin smack him "What? Goblins have green skin"

"So, can you elaborate us your abilities?" Ms. Park said as Y/n hesitantly nod and pointed the palm of her right hand on the floor and a  spike came out that was long like a katana

"I could let out spikes from my hands only. Make unlimited money..." Y/n let her spike disappear and started to count her abilities "I could be 5 times stronger depending on my emotion, I could store things... I have a high sense, hearing, smelling, sight... And the rest is history" Y/n said causing her classmate to complain while Ms. Park tried to calm them down

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