Chapter 12

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After a while, Y/n still holds Nam-ra's hand in her human form but leaves her fangs and golden eyes and watches Cheong-san if he will attack Nam-ra. The president smiled at how caring and determined Y/n is when she noticed her left hand started to move on its own as it twitch and her left eye started to turn into a zombie one and looked at Y/n and her gaze went to Y/n's neck

"Y/n..." Nam-ra called while Y/n hummed in response and keep staring at Cheong-san "I feel weird... I'm hungry" Nam-ra said in a very low voice and Y/n only hears that Nam-ra feels weird "Why do you smell so good... So delicious...?" Y/n look at Nam-ra and noticed the left eye turning into a reddish color as she raise her right hand and place them on Nam-ra's cheek and caress her cheekbone

"Nam-ra... You'll be okay... Just be calm" Y/n said and Cheong-san, Su-hyeok, and Hei-ran noticed what was happening when Nam-ra took Y/n on her collar and went to her neck

"Y/n!" Cheong-san shouted in panic and took a chair when Y/n place her hand on Nam-ra's mouth and use herself to shield Nam-ra while the chair broke

"Calm down... Never lose hope and convince yourself that you have to be with me" Y/n whispered and turn around as she push the table towards Cheong-san who jump to the side

"Get out of the way!" Cheong-san said and took the thing he holds earlier but the tip is sharp

"How about you kill me first?" Y/n said and summon a baseball bag made of gold as Cheong-san charged at Nam-ra when Y/n hit the thing that Cheong-san was holding and kick him away "Stop or I'll kill you myself" Y/n threatened when Cheong-san throws a chair and Y/n hit ut with her bat when Cheong-san jump at her and punch her in the face causing Y/n to stumble backward and Nam-ra went on the floor and sat down

Y/n growls and took a chair near her and slams it on Cheong-san's back while Hei-ran tried to pull Y/n away but the baseball captain pushes her and charges at Cheong-san who moves away and took the metal thingy that he once took and charges at Nam-ra when On-jo use herself to shield Nam-ra causing Cheong-san to stop while Y/n took Cheong-san and throw him towards a table and look at Nam-ra as she quickly went to check if she's okay

"Stop is Cheong-san. Are you blind? Can't you see Nam-ra?" On-jo said while Y/n helped Nam-ra to stand up and Su-hyeok hugged Cheong-san to stop him "She would have blood on her mouth if she was bitten by him" On-jo explained while Y/n noticed the red marks disappeared as she hug Nam-ra who was panting heavily "Did you see it? Is she bleeding? No right?" On-jo said and pointed to Y/n who ignores them

"Shh... It's okay. I'm here" Y/n said as she tries to calm Nam-ra's heartbeat down and rub her back "That's it, good job... Just breath" Y/n said as Nam-ra finally calmed down and hug Y/n

"But... I'm one of them, right?" Nam-ra whispered to Y/n who shake her head and lean back as she look at Nam-ra

"No... I don't know and I'm not sure if you are immune or... A half-zombie" Y/n said as she place both of her hands on Nam-ra's cheeks "But hey, you're okay... Believe me" Y/n said as Nam-ra nodded and hug Y/n while On-jo notice them and just smiled

"Su-hyeok, calm your boyfriend before I throw him out of the window" Y/n said as Su-hyeok blushed and let go of Cheong-san who just stood there "Calm down, Cheong-san, she already turned if she did" Y/n said and took a chair and let Nam-ra sit down but she didn't

"No..." Nam-ra said and look at Y/n "I'm not okay. I wanted to bite Y/n... I really did so don't even bother to deny it, Y/n" Namra said as Y/n stare at her and just nodded "I don't think I should stay with you guys... If I hadn't come to my senses and Y/n didn't put her hand on my mouth, I would have bitten her so I'll go" Nam-ra said as she started to head towards the door but Y/n block the way

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