Chapter 4

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Third POV

Y/n shake her head in disbelief at the fight that started with the phone when Y/n took something from her pocket and wave it upwards

"Anyone got a charger?" Y/n ask and keep waving the phone which Nayeon took but it won't open "It's was low battery" Y/n said as they started to search for a charger and of course, Nayeon's complaints are around the room

"Where's Su-hyeok?" This caught Y/n's attention and quickly stood up while Cheong-san and On-jo talk about Su-hyeok who was left outside, Y/n raise her hands and started to lightly scratch her next

"He's still alive..." Y/n said as she keeps scratching her neck that started to go red

"How do you know?" On-jo ask while Y/n didn't look at her and kept scratching her neck

"I... I could still smell him... But he's in danger" Y/n answered and started to scratch her neck harsher when someone took her hands away and pull them down as she look at who it was and it was Nam-ra who was holding her hands dearly

"He'll be fine... He's your twin after all" Nam-ra said in a reassuring smile causing Y/n to stare at her as her heartbeat went faster instead of it skipping a beat when the speakers went on

"Students and teachers of Hyosan High school. I'm Park Sun-hwa, the English teacher. Something strange is happening throughout the school. Some students are attacking people indiscriminately, so please find a safe place and take shelter. And if any student or faculty hears this and is able, please call the police and the fire department. Students, hide somewhere safe until help arrives. If you can get out of the school, please get out. I repeat. Some students are..." Ms. Park pauses and started to cry " Guys... You're okay right?" the others started to cry while Nam-ra went closer to Y/n and buried her face in Y/n's chest "You're not hurt right...? I-I don't know what's going on or why this is happening. Still, find a safe place and hide. I'm sorry... I can't be of any help. Don't get hurt, okay? Let's stay alive and meet again. O-Okay?" Ms. Patk didn't speak further while Nam-ra let go of Y/n's hands and wrap her arms around her waist which caused Y/n to freeze but hug her back

Y/n offered Nam-ra to sit down near a wall as they let the comfortable silence surround them while Y/n played with her cap

"Why there's no charger..." Nayeon complain since all they need now was a charger for Y/n's phone "Unnie, why is it even low battery in the first place?" Nayeon asks Y/n who blankly looks at her

"I was watching Kdrama and forgot to charge it..." Y/n said in a tired one causing Nam-ra to chuckle and cover her mouth

"No, I wasn't bit. I mean it. I really wasn't" I-sak said that caught everyone's attention and look at her in fear especially Nayeon who got alarmed

"Were you bit?" Nayeon asks in fear causing I-sak to run towards a mirror and her eyes to turn red

"On-Jo. No right" Y/n stood up as she examine I-sak since she would probably turn already but no, it's like she's developing a strong will

"What are you guys doing? Get her out of here!" Nayeon shouted and Y/n noticed the zombie was attracted to loud things

"I-sak calm down... I would like to test something" Y/n said and went towards I-sak but Nam-ra took her hand and told her not to, she was about to argue but listen to her "I-sak be calm... Please. Don't panic just for a minute" I-sak nodded while Cheong-san slowly went towards On-jo and took her away that's when I-sak panicked and fell on her knees "I knew it..." Y/n mumbles which confuse Nam-ra and was about to go toward I-sak when Nayeon shouted that triggers I-sak "Nayeon stop shouting! The zombies are attracted to loud things" Y/n warned while I-sak started to turn into a zombie so she quickly took her bat and gave it to Cheong-san

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