🍋Chapter 10🍋

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Warning! This chapter includes smut!

Enjoy and read this at night😉


"W-What?" Y/n asks in surprise because of what Nam-ra said to her but she honestly likes Nam-ra's possessiveness

"Don't worry... I'll take good care of you so don't be afraid on showing the real you~" Nam-ra cooed and choked Y/n who gasp in surprise while her free hand went towards Y/n's shirt and harshly pull them causing the buttons to pop off showing Y/n's bra

Nam-ra leaned closer and unhook Y/n's bra and tug them down, Nam-ra's hand on Y/n's neck rises upwards and forcefully shoves her middle and ring finger in Y/n's mouth as the girl gagged at the sudden action when she finally show her true appearance. Eyes that shine like gold, fangs that were long like a vampire, six golden dots each that were aligned on her cheekbone, her ears longer than normal and the tip of it was really pointy, her long tail that was looks like a lion's tail, and her black nails that are long claws that impressed Nam-ra

"You're so beautiful~" Nam-ra said in a husky tone and place her mouth on Y/n's left breast and started to suck and play with her nipple while her free hand caressed the inner tights of Y/n who shiver under the president's touch

Y/n whimpers since she wanted Nam-ra to touch her more and move her hips, signaling to Nam-ra that her wet cunt wanted her fingers but the girl simply ignores it and gently bites Y/n's nipple earning a soft moan from Y/n. Nam-ra stopped messing with Y/n's nipple and planted soft kisses around Y/n's chest and pull her fingers out of Y/n's mouth with her saliva coating Nam-ra's fingers

"Shh... Keep quiet" Nam-ra whispered and lift Y/n's skirt and pull her shorts and underwear down with her left hand and tossed them to the side. Her gaze went down to Y/n's throbbing clit and her entrance already so wet that made the president smirk and place her two wet fingers on Y/n's clit and rub it earning a moan from the baseball captain

Nam-ra intentionally hit Y/n's entrance to tease the poor girl who place both of her hands on Nam-ra's shoulder and glance at Nam-ra's finger that she wanted to be inside her when Nam-ra went closer to her neck and started to search for her sweet spot when Y/n's body jerk up at the spot that Nam-ra kissed causing the girl to suck it creating a huge hickey and suddenly enters her fingers without any warning that made Y/n curse at the sudden action and her grip on Nam-ra's shoulders tighten

"Don't come, am I clear" Nam-ra whispered to Y/n who nods in frustration as she nibble Y/n's ear and started to pump her fingers, ignoring the fact that it was Y/n's first time since the sense of pride that she took Y/n's virginity made her do what she wants

"P-Please slowdown... Ahh~" Y/n moaned once again when Nam-ra curve her fingers as she hit Y/n's g-spot as the goblin girl struggles to stop herself from having an orgasm. Nam-ra felt the Y/n's walls tighten so she pulled away earning a frustrated whimper from Y/n

"Give me your hands" Nam-ra commanded and Y/n did and offered her hand towards her when Nam-ra pulled her ribbon and tie Y/n's wrist together and pulled out Y/n's handkerchief that was given to her and use it to blindfold Y/n who nervously gulps when Nam-ra kiss her cheek "I'll let you feel the best orgasm ever so listen carefully... Alright?" Nam-ra said as Y/n hesitantly nodded "That's right... That's my good girl~" Nam-ra said with full dominance over Y/n whose breath hitched while she felt her cunt gotten wetter and wetter again

Nam-ra's right hand trailed down near Y/n's pussy and took Y/n's wrist and put them above Y/n's head as she teasingly trail her fingers on Y/n's abdomen and a jolt of pleasure run through Y/n's body when she felt Nam-ra blew her pussy that was throbbing wet for Nam-ra

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