Chapter 14

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On-jo peaked outside as she gently push the curtains, enough to see whatever was happening outside while Y/n would glance at Nam-ra since the president was adjusting the chairs on a table, even tho she got pranked earlier, she still check on Nam-ra every damn minute like she was a very precious fragile thing or something

"I think this is good enough" On-jo said as everyone nodded and Nam-ra went down. She went to the gap that the others made and Y/n went first as she waited for Nam-ra who holds her shoulder and hop down while the others went there too and block the gap when Cheong-san realize something and stop while Su-hyeok ask him why didn't he go

"Someone has to open the door" Cheong-san said at the other side making Y/n sigh and told them that she will do it which Nam-ra let her because she fully trust Y/n

Y/n sighs as she took some chairs and a table and block the lower half of the door so that she had time to jump to the other side, she look at the others who nodded and she nod back and quickly opens the door causing some zombies to roar and charge at Y/n who run away and jump as high as possible and landed on the other side and help Dae-su to hold the barricade while Joon played the video

"We need to put more" Nam-ra said as everyone put the remaining tables and chairs while zombies went inside the room

"Fucking damn it" Y/n mumbles and transform into her goblin form and summon some spikes to hold the barricade as she peak outside

"Dae-su! Make some loud noise" On-jo said and Dae-su nodded and took a deep breath

"You zombie bastards!" Dae-su screamed at the top of his lungs while the zombies head inside the room but On-jo said to do it again "God... Come here, you fucking zombies!" Y/n and Nam-ra groan at how loud Dea-su's voice was while zombies roar and head inside the room causing everyone to struggle on holding the barricade while the spikes are moving backward while On-jo and some girls use some drums or any instruments to make everything louder than made Y/n whimper at the loud noises they make

"We can't go yet!" Wu-jin said as they keep everything louder so Y/n summon more spikes and hug Nam-ra's head to block some noises while she summon another spike and hit them on the other spikes to make everything louder as she endures the loudness when some zombies climb up so she throws her spike on one of them as she summons more and throws them while the others stop making noise to push the barricade so Y/n let go of Nam-ra and extend her right hand yo the side and many golden spikes appeared as she shot everything to those who climb up as she groans in annoyance and summons more

"Why do they have to be so damn many!" Y/n complains as she keeps throwing some spikes at those zombies who climb up the barricade

"Just a little more!" Wu-jin said as Y/n started to feel exhausted but shrugged it off but Nam-ra notice it and told her to stop and just push the barricade so she nodded and went beside her to push the barricade

Y/n saw a zombie that was gonna take Nam-ra away from them so she quickly summon one spike and stab the zombie's head and proceed to push the barricade with her shaky arms due to exhaustion

"It's clear! We have to go now" Wu-jin said as the others run away leaving Hei-ran and Y/n who push the barricade one more time before Y/n took Hei-ran and run after the others

"Thanks, captain!" Hei-ran said as Y/n nodded and they finally are next to the others and climb up the stairs when Hei-ran tripped but Y/n put her on her shoulder and run like she wasn't carrying someone

"Aren't you supposed to carry Nam-ra?" Hei-ran asks while Y/n rolls her eyes because Hei-ran still jokes around even tho the situation is life-threatening and keeps running with the others

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