Chapter 9

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Y/n's head was now on Nam-ra's lap again while all of them discuss what should they do next

"What do we do? Cheong-san and On-jo are really close" Hyo-rung said to Ji-min who nodded and glance at Nam-ra who was staring at Y/n while stroking her hair

"Look at them... Gosh, are they finally dating?" Ji-min ask and Nam-ra heard it causing her to blush and look at the door but keeps stroking Y/n's hair

"I think they haven't asked each other... But damn, they already act like a married couple" Hyo-rung said with a smile and gently shake Ji-min

"I know right? Y/n always check if the president is okay and always put herself in danger in order to protect Nam-ra" Ji-min said while Nam-ra closes her eyes and tried to stop herself from blushing further because she could hear the two girls even tho they are far

"And Y/n only listens to Nam-ra and barely listens to us... But Nam-ra always take care of Y/n whenever she's sleeping or just really tired" Hyo-rung said and both of them giggled at it

"But they're so cryptic" Ji-min said when Dae-su butt in and sat near them

"What does cryptic mean?" He asks as he holds his hands together while Joon sat next to him

"It's having a meaning that is mysterious or obscure. But it was mainly another synonym for Mysterious" Joon answered and the four of them look at Nam-ra and Y/n "Cryptic also means Hidden in some way" Joon said as they stare at Nam-ra who was stroking Y/n's hair and ignore them when Dae-su got an idea

"Uh-huh! They have Cryptic Love" Dae-su dramatically said as he put his right hand up and swipe it to the right "Both of them are mysterious and had hidden feelings for each other, in order words... Cryptic Love" Dae-su said with a wide smile causing Joon to smack his head

"For once you finally said something that has a point" Ji-min said and they keep staring at Nam-ra and Y/n

Y/n groans and slowly open her eyes while Nam-ra looks at her, Y/n stares at her for a second before putting her cap on her face which confuses Nam-ra and attempt to remove Y/n's cap from her face making Y/n put it back but Nam-ra noticed a tint of red on Y/n's face making her smile

"Why are you hiding your face, Nae sarang" Nam-ra ask and tried to remove Y/n's cap but the girl put her hand on it so it won't come off

"It's nothing, I just can't sleep because of the sunlight" Y/n excused but Nam-ra didn't believe her as she keeps trying to remove the cap

"Come on, I know that's not the reason" Nam-ra said and succeed in removing it but Y/n turned and buried her face in Nam-ra's stomach causing the president to shiver at Y/n's hot breath that tickles her

"Shut up and let me sleep" Y/n said as she hides her face from Nam-ra who let out a quiet whimper causing her to freeze up and smirk as she rub her nose on Nam-ra's belly causing the president to gently push her head away but Y/n leans her head back and teasingly bite Nam-ra who quietly moans

"Stop that... They're staring at me" Nam-ra whispered with her cheeks and ears red making Y/n smirk at her and her blush widen and she put her hand on Y/n's face earning a groan from Y/n who sat up and fix her hair as she wear her cap and went closer to Nam-ra ear

"That's payback for leaving me hanging" Y/n whisper and lean back as she pulls her cap upwards

"Aish... They're seriously flirting right now" Dae-su loudly said earning a glare from Y/n and Nam-ra while Ji-min kicked his foot causing him to groan in pain

"Joon-yeong" On-jo called and went towards Joon as he fixes his glasses "Didn't you say your science cub made some drones?" On-jo ask as all of them look at her

Cryptic Love (Nam-ra x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now