Chapter 6

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Gyeong-su shouted at Nayeon while Y/n began to scratch her next nonstop and Nam-ra noticed it, she tried to stop Y/n who didn't listen as she keep uncontrollably scratching her neck while Ms. Park started to scold Nayeon who keep saying nonsense that annoys Y/n

"God! Will you just stop talking... You really love the sound of your annoying voice, don't you?" Y/n said in annoyance as her eyes gleamed into a gold color as she finally snapped on Nayeon while Dae-su had his mouth open and started to clap

"The Vice President finally snapped! Beautiful to my ears..." Wu-jin quickly elbowed his friend who groans in pain

"That's enough. Quiet, everyone" Ms. Park said as she tried to calm her students down while Nam-ra pull Y/n's hand away and told her to calm down

"We'd be quiet if she was gone" Ji-min said as Ms. Park lightly slap her arm

"Whatever... All of you are so annoying" Nayeon said while Ms. Park stopped Jigmin from attacking Nayeon while Nam-ra and Y/n look at her "What if I'm right? Then will you admit I saved you?" Nayeon asks as Nam-ra hugs Y/n's arm, knowing the baseball captain, she will pounce on Nayeon

"How could you still be this way?" Cheong-san ask in anger as his eyes glared down at Nayeon who stare at him and then look at Gyeong-su

"Look. See if I'm right or wrong" She said and all of them looked at Gyeong-su whose nose is bleeding. He rub his nose and look at his hand and saw blood on it "See? You still think I'm wrong?"

"Su-hyeok..." Y/n called for her twin and pull him away as she stare at Gyeong-su. Nam-ra looks up at Y/n and her eyes widen in shock

Y/n's eyes are twitching... Not because of anger but sadness and pain

"Get rid of him. Get rid of him now!"

"Shut up, Nayeon!" Y/n yelled at Nayeon who jump in surprise while Y/n's eyes twitch in anger, sadness, and pain as she looked back at Gyeong-su

"No I-" Gyeong-su went closer but everyone back away except for Y/n and Cheong-san "Fuck I'm not!"

"Gyeong-su, calm down" Y/n said and remove Nam-ra's arms and stood next to Cheong-san "Just calm down for a while" Y/n said while Gyeong-su's eyes screamed in sadness

"I've turned, right?" He ask and look at the two who didn't move away from him

"No. No, it can't be. Why would you..." On-jo pull him away while Y/n avoided Nam-ra as she hold both of Gyeong-su's shoulders

"Gyeong-su look at me... Just breath" Y/n said causing Gyeong-su to look at the baseball captain whose eyes had tears coming out of them even tho she held an emotionless expression "Just breath and believe that you're okay, that's it"

"Get rid of him Unnie! He's gonna kill you" Nayeon shouted which triggered something in Gyeong-su as he started to cry and push Y/n away while Nam-ra's arms quickly wrap around her waist and pull her away

"Let me go Nam-ra!" Y/n said but Nam-ra just tighten her grip while Cheong-san remove On-jo's hands and went towards Gyeong-su who panicked

"Stay away! Don't come any closer! Fuck!" Gyeong-su said as Y/n didn't fight anymore as she lowered her arms and just stare at Gyeong-su with her eyes screaming pain while Nayeon started to shout again "Shut up! Fuck! I'll leave... I'll leave on my own. Why would I bite you? We're fucking friends. If I leave, it'll all be fine" the others started to cry while Nam-ra buried her face on Y/n's back who was staring at Gyeong-su

"Gyeong-su, why don't you just go back into the recording-"

"What will you do if we all die?" Nayeon cut Ms. Park as Y/n glared at Nayeon

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