🍋Chapter 15🍋

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Y/n was still pretty weak and she can't even stand properly because she neither fell on her knees would shake, every time she tries to stand up, Nam-ra would scold her and commanded her to just lay down, Y/n listen like a kind child, fearing that her situation will get worse if she angered her girlfriend which causes Hei-ran to stop herself from laughing at her best friend's submissiveness when it comes to Nam-ra

All of a sudden, the door started to move and zombies tried to get out but it was Gwi-nam who punches the door to open it so they quickly put some chairs or table on the door until Gwi-nam left while Y/n sighed and stand up earning a glare from Nam-ra as she just nervously smile at the president as she went to the edge and took a chair and quickly sat down and turn into her human form as she just sat there and absorb all the heat of her jacket to have her energy back

"Dude you look like a Rottweiler who only listens to their mistress" Hei-ran jokingly said and sat on the edge while holding Y/n's shoulder earning an annoyed huff from Y/n and stuck her middle finger up but quickly lowered it once she felt Nam-ra's gaze on her

"I swear to god, once we're alone I'm gonna smack the shit out of you" Y/n whispered to Hei-ran who chuckle while Nam-ra still heard it as she went to Y/m who didn't notice until Nam-ra karate chop her head as she whines and rub her head "What was that for?" Y/n complain while Hei-ran decided to leave them

"Stop doing anything and just sat there" Nam-ra said as Y/n frowned and lowered her hand when Nam-ra suddenly sat on her lap and her back facing Y/n causing the goblin to tense up and unintentionally raise her hands because she didn't know where to put them un panic, Nam-ra chuckled and took both of Y/n's hands and wrap Y/n arms around her waist "Don't be so tense, Nae Sarang" Nam-ra said as Y/n blush and buried her face on Nam-ra's shoulder and look at what their classmates are doing

"I wanna help them" Y/n said and raise her head and rest her chin on Nam-ra's shoulder

"You already did enough for us... Just go take a rest so that you could help us later" Nam-ra said and pat Y/n's head and they watch their classmates make an SOS

"But I want to help" Y/n childishly whines causing Nam-ra to sigh at her girlfriend's stubbornness and lightly pinch her hand earning a surprised yelp from Y/n

"You don't have any energy for that, don't be stubborn" Nam-ra scolded earning a groan from Y/n and just watching her classmates with a huge frown since she wants to do something instead of just watching them, once they are done, they form a group near Nam-ra and Y/n as they stare at the big SOS on the ground

"We could make an SOS made of gold so that the choppers will see it from afar" Su-hyeok said and all of the agreed when they felt a sudden shiver on their spine and look at Nam-ra who was glaring at them "N-Nevermind..." Su-hyeok said as the others agreed and Y/n giggled on Nam-ra's shoulder

"We could do that if I got all my energy back..." Y/n said as Nam-ra just nodded, not bothering to scold Y/n's stubbornness that both she and her twin had while Dae-su ask what SOS means and they fight about it having no meaning or if it has a meaning. They are now trying to make some fire as the couple went to the others

'I could help them but...' Y/n thought and glanced at Nam-ra who was holding her hand as both of them stood next to each other 'I know she has a lighter and I can't make fire because I really need heat and she will probably get mad at me for it' Y/n thought as she sighs in defeat and crossed her arms

All of them took turns and struggled on making the fire as Y/n hold back her laugh at her friend's struggles and Nam-ra had her hand on her pocket, still thinking if she would give the lighter to her classmates

"Next" On-jo put down the stick since she's already tired as fuck and switched with Joon who fixes his glasses and started to spin the stick downwards

"Do it faster. Come on. Faster. Twist it-" Y/n smack Dae-su who quickly shuts up and rubs his head while Joon sigh in annoyance when his wrist got a cramp

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