Chapter 7

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Warning: This chapter will get a little spicy


Nam-ra pulled Y/n inside the recording room and let her seat on the chair while she took one from the outside and place it in front of her while Y/n's back faced the glass window

"Hey... It's okay" Nam-ra said and gently places her hands on Y/n's cheeks and wipe the tears that keeps coming out of her eyes even tho she had a blank expression, her sadness can be seen in her eyes

"If you let me go out there, I could've saved them" Y/n said in an almost whispered one, Nam-ra gulps and raises Y/n's head to look at her as she gave the baseball captain a stern look

"There's an army of zombies out there, you might be a goblin but they are still after you" Nam-ra said as she lowered her hand and took Y/n's left hand "Plus... I can't... We can't lose another one" Nam-ra said, still trying to stop herself from admitting that she needs Y/n

"But I could still save them-"

"Y/n" Nam-ra said a little loud causing Y/n to look at her as she fixes Y/n's hair "Please... D-Don't leave my side" Nam-ra hesitantly said as Y/n stare at Nam-ra and nodded when she unexpectedly pull Nam-ra towards her letting her sit on Y/n's lap as the goblin girl wrap her arms around Nam-ra's waist and buried her face on the president's chest

Nam-ra tensed up at the sudden action of the Vice-president and hesitantly hug her back and stroked her hair to calm Y/n down and didn't notice she was smiling

"Damn! Y/n was so awesome! Did you see that? Are they gonna make out?" Su-hyeok said yo Dea-su who was beside him all the time and they watch their president and vice-president hugging each other

"It would be a dream come true if I witness a love girl-girl porn" Dae-su said when On-jo pick up two large books and throw them on the two boy's head

"Yah! Now is not the time to be perverts!" On-jo yelled while the two boys rub their heads when Nam-ra whisper something in Y/n's ear and pull away from her. They stood up and exit the room and they noticed Y/n's cheeks are red even tho she had an emotionless face, Y/m sat down with Nam-ra on her left. All of them didn't talk for a long minute when Y/n spoke about something

"I didn't hear anything..." Y/n said and glanced at the door with her arms cross "After Nayeon and Ms. Park left I didn't hear any screams. Knowing Nayeon, she will probably scream in panic" Y/n explained and all of them look at her as they thought of something

"Maybe they didn't die" Dae-su said, finally saying something believable "They wouldn't have been quiet if zombies were bitting them. They must be alive" All of them kept quiet while Y/n tries to listen to what was happening outside but it was a total silence "Did you hear anything, Noona?" Dae-su ask and Y/n didn't mind when he calls her Noona

"No... It was a total silence... Only footsteps of zombies" Y/n answered and look at her baseball cap and took it as she remove the dirt from it and wear it "Or perhaps... They went too far" Y/n said, unsure if she was right as she let out a deep sigh

"But that's impossible... You know how loud Nayeon and Ms. Park-" Dae-su automatically closes his mouth once Y/n glared at him as he look away "Sorry..." Y/n sighed and look down while Nam-ra took her hand and Y/n let her do what she wants on her hand

"She's a murderer" Ji-min said and all of them look at her "She killed Gyeong-su and walked out on her own "Is it right for her to be alive? Aren't you all being pretentious"

"What about Ms. Patk?" Wu-jin butted in as the two started to fight and a huge headache started to form on Y/n since they are literally just fighting after what happened

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