Chapter 16

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Third POV

Hours goes by while Y/n and Nam-ra cuddle each other to sleep as Y/n suddenly woke up since she senses something and gently looked around that woke up Nam-ra who looks sleepy and asked What is it but Y/n just kept quiet and sniffed the air with caution when her eyes widen in shock

"Guys! Wake up!" Y/n shouted as both her and Nam-ra stood up when Y/n noticed Gwi-nam next to On-jo, Gwi-nam took On-jo by her neck and was about to kill her but Cheong-san saw them

"On-jo!" Cheong-san shouted which caught Gwi-nam's attention and both of them charge at each other whrn Gwi-nam grab a hold of Cheong-san's collar and slam him on the ground and the boys quickly went towards them. Y/n was about to help when Nam-ra took her wrist that confuses Y/n but quickly remove Nam-ra's hand and run towards Cheong-san who got his eye pressed by Gwi-nam, On-jo tried ti pull Gwi-nam awya but she got thrown

Su-hyeok kick Gwi-nam away while Y/n helo On-jo stood up and run towards Gwi-nam who was beating the shit out of Su-hyeok as Y/n punch Gwi-nam who got flew away and almost fell off the building but stops himself while Y/n help Su-hyeok to stand up

"You okay?" Y/n ask Su-hyeok who nodded while Y/n felt something odd and glance at Nam-ra who was still standing and some parts of her body twitches "Fucking shit..." Y/n mumbles before glaring at Gwi-nam who looked at her friends one by one

"Who the hell are you guys?" Gwi-nam arrogantly ask causing Y/n  growl angrily at him

"What about you? Are you from the One Heart Club?" Dae-su ask while Gwi-nam look at his back and chuckled while Y/n held her guard up

"Its me. Me... You don't know me?" He ask as he look at them one by one "How the fuck do you not know me?"

"I know you" Cheong-san said while Y/n glance at Nam-ra who was still standing "I said it again and again" Gwi-nam smirk, thinking that he is someone powerful "You were the bullies' gopher" Gwi-nam got annoyed and act like smacking us so they backed away

"Call me that again and you're dead" He angrily said causing a smirkbto form on Y/n's lips who took a step forward

"Why? Its true that you're just a useless gopher... From now and then, you nothing" Y/n said as he got angrier at what the goblin girl had said. He started to spout some nonsense that Y/n don't give a fuck when he started to approach Cheong-san so Y/n summoned a golden spike

"You're all dead" He shouted and charge at us, Y/n quickly throw him the spike whivh he quickly dodge and attempt to take Cheong-san but Y/n quickly pushes Cheong-san away so Y/n got grab by Gwi-nam "I'll kill you first and then everyone!" He shouted in anger when Joon slam a stick on his back causing Gwi-nam to kick him away while she pushes the others

Y/n went in for a punch but he dodge it wjile Cheong-san attempt to punch him too but Gwi-nam got first and Y/m took that chance to kick Gwi-nam away and that's where Su-hyeok took a chair and slam it on his head but it seems useless and Gwi-nam took him by his collar but Su-hyeok quickly have gotten away, Y/n grab something heavy and slam it on his face but he it also seems useless and kicked Y/n's stomach

'I'm getting weaker than before...' Y/m thought as she stumble backwards but manage to regain her balance, she formed all the heat she have breath out a huge fire towards Gwi-nam who uses a big metal piece and slowly walk towards me, Y/n cough a little and summon a golden spike and attempt to stab his head with it but he throw the thing he was holding causing me to block it and she felt something went deep towards her chest and noticed it was a metal rod

"And here I thought you're tge strongest here" He said and push the rod deeper until it went through her back while he snatch tge golden spike and stab it at Y/n's stomach "But you're just a failed experiment of Project X that my dad created" He arrogantly said as Y/n's eyes widen in shock and look at him with hereyes full of anger while he smirked

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