Chapter 17

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I am so sorry for not updating for two years, I was busy with school and accidentally forgot my email and my password for this account, thankfully I remembered it and I'm really sorry for the long wait but I promise to finish this story. I also plan on writing some special chapters that was about how Nam-ra and Y/n first saw each other once the story is finished of if I judt feel like it

Anyways back to the story, again, I'm so sorry for the very long wait

And if you noticed, I decided to discontinue the story but all of a sudden I have a very sudden motivation to continue it


Third POV

All the remaining students in the rooftop sat around the bonfire, an awkward and solemn silence surrounded them while Joon was fixing his broken glasses while the others are checking their wounds and stretching their muscles, except Nam-ra who was staring blankly at the bonfire her cheeks stained with dried tears and some blood from the fight

"What the hell is with that Gwi-nam guy?" Joon asked in annoyances and his gaze went to Cheong-san "You said he was bitten" the other students look at Cheong-san who had a troubled expression

Cheong-san stares at the bonfire and replied "I don't know. It looks like he became a different being" Su-Hyeok lightly nodded while rubbing his neck that was in pain

"I don't think he can die. What if he climbs up here again?" Su-Hyeok said and glace at Nam-ra in concern because the president has been quiet for a while, she hadn't spoken a word ever since the fight

"Nam-ra" On-jo whispers at Nam-ra who glance at her, On-jo couldn't help but felt worried at the president, even tho Nam-ra had a blank expression, her eyes shows a lot of emotion and had lost its spark so On-jo quickly took the thing that Y/n had told her to give at Nam-ra "Y/n wanted you to have this... I'm sorry I couldn't help her" Nam-ra stares at the paper that contains something inside it and hesitantly took it and put it on her pocket, she wanted to open it later where she would have her own privacy

"That asshole is bad, but to be honest I'm scared of Nam-ra too" Ji-min said causing everyone to look at the president who still had a blank expression "You saw her fighting earlier"

"I think..." Dae-su said earning everyone's attention "It's reasonable to assume they're both hambies-" Hyo-ryung slap Dae-su's side causing the boy to look at him "What?"

"You're really okay, right?" Ji-min asked causing Nam-ra to look at the girl who was now scared "You won't do that to us, right?" Everyone was now looking at Nam-ra who gave Ji-min an emotionless glare

"Will you believe me if I say I won't?" Nam-ra asked with a hint of sarcasm

"Must you talk like that? Can't you try to make us believe you? We're going to be together anyway" An awkward and intense silence surrounded all of them while Nam-ra glance at the fire and back at Ji-mi

"I... have nevet done anything but study. Not because I was naive but because I was a coward" Nam-ra took a deep sigh before continuing "I was scared my grades would drop and that my mom would get mad. So I didn't do anything else. I was too scared to make friends too" Nam-ra begun to open up more about herself towards her classmates who all feel suddenly guilty "My mom always asked about how well they did at school, what their father did for a living, how big their house is..." Nam-ra added another wood to the bonfire and continued "I never thought I'd get to sit by a fire with all of you like this. It's really nice. It's my first time " Nam-ra finally had a small smile while staring at the bonfire when her smile suddenly falter "Sadly... Y/n isn't here to experience all this with us" all of them kept quiet while Nam-ra took a deep breath to stop herself from crying "If we get out of here, let's gather around a fire and hang out like this again. I really hope we can"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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