Chapter 13

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Nam-ra and Y/n doze off and Nam-ra had her head on Y/n's lap while the baseball captain slept with her head hung low, they are talking to each other to let some time passes but they fell asleep. All of a sudden, both Y/n and Nam-ra heard someone shouting with a combination of eating a flesh so the two quickly open their eyes and stood up which caught everyone's attention

"I feel something strange" Nam-ra said and went towards the windows that were blocked with the red curtains as she listen further and Y/n had a hunch that Nam-ra has hearing abilities like hers

"I guess you can hear what I'm also hearing, right?" Y/n ask causing Nam-ra to nod while the noises change

"What do you guys hear?" On-jo asks the couple who look at her

"Someone puking" The two said at the same time and listen further to the noise

"It suddenly stopped... The puking stopped" Y/n said as Nam-ra nodded in agreement

"Stop it you two... It's scaring me" Hyo-rung said in fear while both Nam-ra and Y/n heard Hyo-rung's fast heartbeat

"Are you scared?" Nam-ra ask causing Hyo-rung to get surprised "It's just that you're breathing the loudest" Nam-ra said as Y/n continues to observe her girlfriend with great interest

"Alright... I'm convinced" Y/n said and hold Nam-ra's hand since she started to panic "She has a hearing power that was the same as mine" Y/n said as Nam-ra keep listening to all of the smallest sounds she heard

"Let's get out of here. This place feels weird" Nam-ra said as she holds Y/n's hand tighter while Dea-su complain about going to the rooftop but they have no music, they form a plan but Y/n pull Nam-ra away and place her right hand on Nam-ra's cheek

"Hey... Calm down and just imagine to shut off your hearing ability" Y/n said as Nam-ra nodded and did what she was told that's where her hearing became normal again "There... Whatever happens, don't leave my side until I told you, okay?" Y/n said as Nam-ra hesitantly nodded while Y/n kissed her forehead

"Everything feels weird..." Nam-ra said as I nodded and hug her and rub her back

"You'll get used to it but I promise you that'll help you" Y/n said and kissed her head and both of them listen to On-jo's plan

"We'll build a tall barricade here and lure them in with the music. We'll use the instruments too. If we leave the door open they'll hear the music and come in. When the hallway clears, we'll use the back door and go up" On-jo said and pointed her finger upwards as the others nodded

"So you're saying we should stack desks, chairs, and whatnot in the middle here..." Cheong-san said and pointed to the middle of the room "Open the door, and run out through the back door, right?" Cheong-san ask as On-jo nodded, stating that he is correct

"Yes, but a little farther back" On-jo said and pointed a little far from the middle of the room

"We're the only people here and zombies are a lot so this side needs more space... Am I right?" Y/n ask and look at On-jo who nodded

"I see. She sucks at school but pretty smart" Dae-su causing On-jo to glare at him and yelled at him in anger

"It's a compliment" Cheong-san said in order for On-jo to not kill Dea-su "Let's give it a shot. We can think about the rest later" Cheong-san said while Joon pointed the tv at the corner of the room

"Y/n, Hei-ran... Is it okay if you two will be the last since you guys are the fastest runners in this room" Cheong-san ask causing Hei-ran to nod while Y/n glanced at Nam-ra if she will agree but she did so Y/n nodded and On-jo went towards the couple

"Guys. Let's untie that first. I'll do the moving. You guys work on the frame" On-jo said and reach for the cloth but Y/n took Nam-ra's hand pull them away  "Y/n. She can never get close to the others like this. And no one will approach her. Hatred is contagious. But so is trust"

Y/n look at Nam-ra and waited for her answer but she didn't speak. On-jo sighed and went towards Nam-ra's hand where the cloth was tied and untie it and Nam-ra stare at On-jo

"You should've been the class president" Nam-ra suddenly said which surprises the two girls near her as On-jo gently put Nam-ra's hand down and remove the cloth from Y/n's left hand and left

"Let's help them. Just call me if you need help on something" Y/n said and pat Nam-ra's back and the two of them started to help

"For the very first time... I finally saw them separated from each other" Dae-su jokingly said earning a death glare from the separated couple causing him to gulp and look away while Y/n sighed and went towards a table

"So my dear favorite best friend in the whole world... Did you get laid by your girl?" Hei-ran asks as she leans on the table in front of Y/n who rolls her eyes and pushes the table causing Hei-ran to lose balance but quickly stood up

"How about you? Are you still masturbating with a body pillow of Nayeon?" Y/n teasingly ask causing her best friend's face to go red and both of them pick up the table

"S-Shut up! I'm not masturbating on it!" Hei-ran denied it as they put the table on where it should be while Y/n hums in response

"So you admit you have a body pillow of Nayeon" Y/n said as Hei-ran realize what she said and groan "What does it cost to make a customized body pillow?"

"It's 2000? I don't know, I just got mine free because my family runs a t-shirt printing company... Are you gonna buy a Nam-ra body pillow?" Hei-ran teasingly ask and wiggle her eyebrows causing Y/n to blush and slap her arm

"Get it together... I just ask" Y/n said as she went to take some chairs while Hei-ran got an idea to tease Y/n

"Hey Nam-ra, did you know that Y/n had a huge poster of you in her room?" Hei-ran said as Y/n's eyes widen in shock and slapped Hei-ran's back

"Really?" Nam-ra asks in amusement while Y/n groans in annoyance and decided to ignore Hei-ran

After a while, Y/n would occasionally glance at Nam-ra every minute to check if she was ok or if she needed help which the president noticed and fought back the urge to smile brightly and look at Su-hyeok and whispered something to him that made him smirk and nodded as Nam-ra hop on a very high table and arrange some chairs when Su-hyeok accidentally hit the table hard causing Nam-ra to lose balance. Y/n noticed Nam-ra was gonna fall so she drop the chair she was holding and dash towards Nam-ra and caught her

"Are you okay? You hurt? Did you injure yourself or something?" Y/n asks in concern as she rains Nam-ra a lot of questions while Su-hyeok holds back his laughter

"Thank you, Nae Sarang... You're the best" Nam-ra said and pecked Y/n's lips and proceed to help the others with a smug smile leaving Y/n whose tail appeared and wagged in happiness

"I~ Never believe~ in love~" Hei-ran teasingly sings and Y/n quickly snaps out of her daydream and clears her throat and hides her tail

"L-Let's keep moving" Y/n stutters and continue to pick up some chairs or table for the barricade


Sorry if it's short, I was in a rush because of school work and the amount of pressure I'm having because of my family's expectation

But I'll try to save some time to finish my story

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