Return to Paris

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The next day, Cat Noir was at the council talking about returning to Paris as the prince of darkness.

"Are you sure you are ready to return, Cat Noir?" Dracula asked.

"Yes. I'm not doing this for her, I'm doing this for those I care about. Paris will be destroyed if I'm not there to protect my home country" Cat Noir explained, "Think of it like an apple that's fresh, delicious, and alive" He held out the apple, "But if it's destroyed" He sank his fangs in the apple to suck the juice, "It would be like life has been drained dry" He showed the apple dried like a raisin.

"Well then. Your decision has been made clear" Dracula said.

"Yes, Paris is my home after all" Cat Noir said.

"Muchacho, you growing up mentally," The Spanish vampire woman said.

"Yes. I'm departing tonight" Cat Noir said and handed the bow to Dracula but the vampire lord insists that the feline takes it.

"Keep it as a reminder," Dracula said.

"Very well my lord. I'll be back to you all one day" Cat Noir said.

"I know Paris was your human life but who knows if something changes your mind to stay. You were like a son to me" Dracula said.

"I know. You're like the father I've always wanted and the best mentor I've got. But I'm ready to prove myself" Cat Noir replied.

"That's the spirit. Go and make us proud, boy" Dracula said.

The feline bowed and left the castle by jumping out the window and landing on his feet without broken bones or severe injuries.

"Claws in" He detransformed to let his kwami rest while he stays hidden away from the sun's rays of dusk. At least he has his sunproof cloak for protection.

"Paris, here I come," He said and headed for the city.


In Paris, Marinette was sitting on the balcony on the roof looking up at the sky. She hopes that Cat Noir comes back but he said he can't aid her in daylight anymore and that she needs someone to aid her in daylight. She thought of 'Adrien' as being helpful but during the Desperada incident, he failed as Aspik.

"If only I could go back in time and prevent it all from happening, though an altered timeline or paradox can be made," Marinette said.

"Cat Noir is in there, somewhere. He never breaks a promise" Tikki said.

"I'm done with him. If he has no heart, he'll never forgive me. I think I'm working alone for now" Marinette said.

"You can't just say that, Marinette. The cause of this was you, not him. You have to understand how he feels. He's been in love with you like forever. He sacrificed his life for you so many times" Tikki said, knowing that Cat Noir is Adrien but she could not tell this to Marinette. Kwamis are forbidden to tell their owners of another holder's identities.

"I know I messed it up and I'm not forgiving myself either! I was too late to know that!" Marinette snapped.

"Calm down, Marinette! You got to pull yourself together, please!" Tikki begged.

"You're right" Marinette calms down and takes a deep breath, "But he's hurt from my lies and secrets. I was only trying to protect him but it tore us apart" Marinette sobbed.

"Marinette, he's not a helpless child. He wanted so much that he cared about you. But even if he's not human anymore, there has to be that old Cat Noir somewhere inside. We should be heading to Startrain. He might be here any moment" Tikki suggested.

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