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Draken had a normal day. Him and Mitsuya spent their time going over the documents from the Minato ward's shipping docks. Normally, this was done by Inupi and Koko, but they were currently enjoying their vacation to Fiji to renew their vows. Draken thought it was ridiculous since they've only been married for two years...

He wouldn't bring it up to them ever again because Koko was big on teasing him about how he still hadn't proposed to Emma even though they've been dating for the last eight years. Draken was going to! Grandpa Sano and Mikey even gave their blessings...

Anyways, he had a normal day. Until--

Draken had just gotten off the phone with Emma. She was shaken and could hardly speak. All he could make out was that she almost died and they were heading to the hospital.

The man's heart dropped, his world spun to a stop. Was Emma hurt? Was she the one going to the hospital?!

He panicked and wasn't even registering his movements. He threw a pair of her pajamas that were still on their bed into a duffle bag, knowing she wouldn't want anything less than her best fluffy shorts and button up top. He threw in a scrunchy and one of her favorite waters from on the counter into the bag and locked their apartment door before he could even straighten his thoughts out, working on autopilot.

He hopped onto his still warm bike in the first parking spot, by the glass door and was flying down the back roads before five minutes had passed, the most time spent with him taking the stairs from the eleventh floor three at a time.

He tried calling Mikey, but his phone was going straight to voicemail. Draken was about to throw his own phone, thoughts all over in his frantic flight to reach Emma.

If Emma was hurt she still was fine enough to call and tell him where she was going and that was the only solace he could find in this situation.

His loose black hair whipped around his face in the wind of the turns he was making, his hands tight on the throttle.

Was this from the gang in the east? The one in Edogawa? If that were the case then he'd crush them himself. He would kill anyone who would threaten his Emma.

Emma was everything to Draken. He wanted everything to just live his life with Emma. Nothing mattered if Emma wasn't here with him. Nothing would hold meaning anymore.

He zipped down a familiar tunnel and appeared near the hospital entrance, sliding his bike into a spot at the front, barely getting the kickstand down before he was running for the entrance.

The indoors of the hospital were cold on his bare arms. He panted, hand holding the pinch in his ribs as he rushed the front desk.

"How may I help you?" A soft faced nurse asked from the receptionist's desk with a welcoming smile.

"Yes, has a woman been admitted by Sano Emma?"

Draken felt a pressure in his chest, like his ribs were about to cave in, it made breathing difficult, but he persevered.

The woman checked her computer, long nails clicking away at the key board, she hummed softly, contrasting Draken's frantic breathing, "I'm sorry, sir, but Sano-san hasn't been admitted--"

Draken felt a bit of the worry ease out, then that meant she was likely okay then.

"--however, she and her brother, Sano-sama, are here with another patient, Ryuguji-san."

Of course they would recognize them. They were the most influential and honorable gangsters in Tokyo, after all.

"The patient was admitted with a blunt force injury to the head. Apparently he took the blow in place of Sano-san."

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