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He had been having a good time. Things in his life had settled down into an every day routine to the point he really couldn't believe he'd spent the last year alone.

Takemichi was happy. Of course he had his moments and he was still struggling with his anxiety and OCD, but they felt manageable for the first time in his life.

Living with Mikey was a blessing. 

Takemichi had lived the last seven years in that tiny studio apartment, quiet and alone. His live was nothing but silence and suffering. Loneliness had his soul in a death grip, as he lived out his solitary existence.

But now there was Emma and Draken. And there was Mikey. Sun was slowly, but surely, finally shining light on his darkness, lighting up his soul in a radiance he never thought he would feel again.

His new home, whether temporary or not, was a lot bigger than he was used too, and a lot shinier too. The kitchen was all granite and reflecting appliances. The living room was luxury and softness that had Takemichi sitting at the fluffy kotatsu cushions anytime he could. The bathroom had a huge tub that he later learned that Emma wanted for him, 'You're supposed to treat yourself, I swear, Mikey!' Emma had laughed and Takemichi laughed with her. He didn't laugh because he thought it was funny, but because Emma was such a kind sister.

Emma was a good person too.  

Takemichi had recently found out that Mikey owned the tower they lived in. It was a passing comment from Draken, 'Don't worry, no one will bother you. Not in Mikey's tower.' At first Takemichi was intimidated by that revelation, but Draken just waved it off with nonchalance, 'We all worked for it, not just Mikey. Mikey just lives here cus he's out leader. It's easier to just keep him in the heart of out operations.'

He also revealed, unknowingly, that Mikey was a yakuza boss, some big time gang leader.

Now if Takemichi had learned, 'Hello, this is Mikey the Yakuza boss.' Yeah, Takemichi would have busted out of those hospital straps and thrown himself from the nearest hospital window. But he hadn't. Mikey had been nothing but sweet to him. Sweet to the point that Takemichi, terrified out of his mind Takemichi, wanted to actually interact with him. [Even if it was just hand holding for weeks.]



Takemichi was so comfortable with hi that he even said good night to Mikey every night now.

So, Takemichi didn't mind what Mikey was. He finally felt safe when he was with him.

Takemichi rotated the puzzle piece three times, slightly frustrated that he had to rotate it one more time, trying to exercise his brain like Kawai-san and Shinzawa-san had instructed. He was grateful that puzzles were included in that. Even if his OCD made it difficult to even try to do puzzles anymore.

He sighed with a tired smile, resolved to cut himself some slack in that department since he had actually be working so hard lately.

Takemichi was currently alone in the home, Mikey wasn't far though. If Takemichi texted that he needed anything, Mikey would be there in a instant, ready to help. Mikey was just a few floors down, in his official office, most likely in that meeting he had been dreading for the last three days with some dock managers and his treasurer, Kokonoi-kun. 

Takemichi smiled shyly to himself at the thought of Mikey dropping everything to help him at a moment's notice, butterflies in his stomach at the thought.

Mikey was such a sweet person and the best friend.

Mikey was so good to Takemichi, Takemichi never wanted to leave. The mere thought of having to leave when his injuries were all healed up made an ugly anxiety bloom in his chest. He dropped the puzzle piece and gripped the ledge of the kotatsu, eyes screwed shut and trying to regain control of his breathing.

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