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Waking was a gradual thing. He first noticed he could hear things, the sound of beeps, soft speaking and feet on tile. If he was cognizant enough he could even hear what these people were saying, but he was so out of it from the medication that he couldn't really remember any of it. 

He did remember the feeling of someone holding his hand though.

Right now felt different. He could some what feel his body. He was in a bed that wasn't his, his bed was something he splurged on, spent nearly ¥200,000 on the mattress. This was definitely not that.

He tried his best to open his eyes, feeling a strange calmness, most likely from the medication. His head hurt, but it was a distant pain, one that was strolling up to him like a someone on a bike in the distance.

The light in the room nearly scorched his right eye when he finally lifted his lid, the fluorescents mixing with the natural sunlight streaming in from the window had him squinting. Why could he only see through one eye? Why wasn't he panicking?

He felt so weightless. His normal medication tried to make him feel like this, but his brain became acclimated too quickly to really feel this way long enough to make a difference for Takemichi.

He took in the sterile white walls, the curtain partition and the machinery.

He was in the hospital.

What happened?

He couldn't move, and normally that would also cause him to panic, but it hadn't even registered with him.

His eye sight was a bit blurry, being unable to fully focus on any one thing, but he did notice something.

There were so many flowers surrounding him.

There were a plethora of petals and colors, belatedly he maybe smelt something sweet too, but he couldn't tell. He tried to move his neck to see the other things surrounding him. In the corner of his right eye he saw a brown fish plushy that looked like a taiyaki with a card attached to it. 

Tried as he might, he couldn't move his body. He wanted so bad to see who cared enough about him to give him a gift, because, as much as he wished it, he knew it wasn't his family. He knew it had to be a stranger, someone who never met him before. Someone who didn't know him.

Someone who hadn't had the chance to discard him yet.

Tears pricked at his blue eye, impairing his blurry vision even further. He wanted so badly to know who gave him these things. What had happened to him and why would anyone care?

Did he jump from Rainbow Bridge?

He felt his heart rate settle as the sound of a door opened. 

He felt so sleepy once more.

He saw a golden color frame his face and a stronger scent of flowers before he blacked out once more.

He saw a golden color frame his face and a stronger scent of flowers before he blacked out once more

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