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Takemichi rolled up into his blanket like a burrito, not wanting to get up again. He gazed longingly at the bed across the room, empty and orderly. Emma had made it this morning after huffing about her brother needing to grow up... all while Mikey fawned over him. 

It was a bit embarrassing, but ever since he and Mikey had confessed to having feelings Mikey had acted like nothing had changed between them.

Did Mikey really feel that way about him? It was difficult to believe that anyone would have feelings for him ever. Who would? Takemichi believed he was far from a good catch, the only person to have said they loved him left him for a more convenient life... and now he was even more inconveniencing. But Mikey wouldn't lie, so it had to be true, right? 

Takemichi rolled the other way and worried his lower lip between his teeth. Mikey was so hard to read sometimes. He acted like a carefree child with Takemichi, but when he was taking care of business as his desk at the windows, he was a cold, distant person. His eyes were pretty scary when he was on those business calls too.

It had an effect on Takemichi, in that when those calls ended and his roommate closed the laptop, he would give an exhausted sigh then look at Takemichi with a mega watt smile, his eyes closed by the force of his happiness and he'd ask if they could make some dorayaki together...

Which is why Takemichi's gut hurt so bad right now. It had nothing to do with his healing.

Mikey didn't want to leave; Takemichi knew that, but he was still scared for him. Mikey was so brave; he could leave, go out into the world and feel no fear about it. He owned Tokyo and he walked around like he did. Takemichi couldn't grasp it. He was grateful Mikey hadn't asked him to go with them. He couldn't imagine voluntarily leaving his home for a week, let alone the country.


Takemichi had also tried to dissuade Mikey from having his friends come over to help him...

The knock at the elevator door was enough to make Takemichi writhe in his blanket, skeleton nearly jumping from his skin. He was here already?!

Takemichi turned to his phone on the nightstand, turning on his lock screen. 8:00am. On the dot.

This man was punctual.

There was a rapid series of knocks that were both soft and urgent. Takemichi fought his way from his blanket prison, doing his best to free himself, nearly falling from his bed in the process.

"C-Coming!" Takemichi blushed at his stutter, but it did the trick as the knocking ceased. 

Takemichi hobbled to the door, a part of his back on fire from wriggling around in his bed too violently. He felt like an old man. His injuries were getting better, says the doctor that came by a few days ago, and by all counts he should he dead. He was healing nicely, but he will always have some aches and pains.


Takemichi pat down his pajamas, one of Mikey's shirts and a pair of black cotton pants that cut off above the ankle-- 'What if Takemitchy trips, they can't be so long!' Mikey had shouted at Mitsuya who just laughed on the other side of the call.

He missed Mikey already and the man just left! Oh no this week was going to be hard, huh?

Takemichi finally pressed the button to open the elevator door from his end, not letting his anxiety get in the way of him doing so... and the man on the other side--

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