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"Ran-kun!" Takemichi shouted, bent over the back of the couch, "Ran-kun! Stop! Ow! Stop! Stop licking it!"

Rindou laughed at them from the kitchen, finger in a bowl of batter , but was quick to hide it behind his back when a red faced Takemichi shot and unamused look over his shoulder.

"Rin-kun! Please help me out here!" Takemichi begged, arms wrapped around Ran's neck as the man continued to lick... the whisk... that was covered in cake batter.

"Aww," Ran coo'd as one hand rose to pinch at Takemichi's cheek. The unexpected maneuver caused him to recoil and fall over the couch and into Ran's lap, "You're such a cutie pie. I'm so jealous of Mikey."

Takemichi blushed deeper, scrambled to his feet and his heart raced at the compromising position he found himself in. He huffed and fixed the cute blue apron he was wearing over a pair of Mikey's capris pants.

Today Ran and Rindou were spending time with him since Mikey was supposed to be gone for most the day, off doing something he didn't tell him about. Takemichi didn't mind that Mikey didn't want to tell him, but it still made him a bit sad that he couldn't confide in him about it. Takemichi was quick to shake it off and focus more on his guests... guests who were making a mess of his kitchen.

"Come on, Takemitchy~" Ran purred, licking the whisk again, "I'm just helping."

Takemichi wasn't one for confrontation, but there were things that he couldn't tolerate in his safe space. This was one of those things.

"R-Ran-kun," He spoke seriously, eyes narrowed, "Please give me my whisk, or-or else." It may have sounded pathetic with his stuttering, soft voice and how he stomped his foot down, but he knew Ran would take his threat seriously when he heard it. Anyone would.

"You're just so cute~" Ran threw his head back and help the whisk to his lips again.

"Hey bro," Rindou said with more awareness than his older brother, "Just give back the whisk."

"Or what? Or cute baby, Takemitchy will make that cute face. Oh, look his cheeks are puffing up again."

Takemichi was embarrassed in his own home, but this wouldn't last! He would make Ran regret calling him cute!

"Th-that's it. I guess I have no choice then," He reached into the pocket of his frilly apron... and pulled out a phone.

Ran lowered the whisk slowly and quickly glanced at his little brother... who was saluting him in the kitchen.

"Hey..." Ran spoke with a shaky tone, "There's no need for drastic measures." He tried to placate Takemichi, but the man wasn't here for it. His finger went straight for his favorite list and saw Mikey's name.

"You leave me no choice," Takemichi was serious, his energy final and Ran launched himself from the couch in a panic, whisk in the sink where he began to wash the utensil.

"See, Takemitchy," Ran plead desperately, "See. No reason to call Mikey, right?"

Rindou slunk away from the kitchen and back towards the television where Takemichi was standing, still looking at his phone. He glanced at Rindou who looked away quickly, trying to whistle, but merely blew air since he forgot he couldn't whistle.

Takemichi looked back to Ran in the kitchen who stood nervously by the bar, a hand in his hair, "Yeah, see? We're all good right?"

Takemichi continued to narrow his eyes, "Don't mess with Mikey-kun's snacks, Ran-kun," He chided the man with a strict finger and started to guide him towards the couch, "I take his snack making very seriously. If y-you're hungry then ask me, okay Ran-kun?"

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