Fellowship (II)

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Takemichi just wasn't feeling it today. He didn't want to get out of bed. He was wrapped up in Mikey's comfy blankets, trapped in a cocoon of heat as he snuggled in deeper. No, sleeping in sounded divine.

He already received a text from Mikey that had him blushing... Don't think about it again, Takemichi. Mikey could be so forward sometimes, talking about wanting to kiss him...

Takemichi squealed into the pillow, his face red and lips trembling, "Mikey~kun," Takemichi whined as he shoved his face back into the pillow. He had used the word ravage in context to kissing him.

To keep it short, Takemichi was shocked he evoked that kind of vocabulary in Mikey.

He sighed and turned his head so he wouldn't suffocate to death and blew a curl from his forehead. He had to get up today, just like everyday. Someone was coming to help him out and it would be disrespectful to inconvenience them in anyway than he already was--

["Takemitchy-san," Sanzu had wavered by the door, "If you ever need anything at all, at any point in your night, morning, a week from now! I will be just a text away!" He then bowed at an angle Takemichi was sure he'd never reach again, then about-faced, leaving Takemichi to think how strange, yet pleasant his day had been.]

Remembering how Sanzu acted made him smile softly. Sanzu hadn't made him feel like he was inconveniencing him at all after they spoke about it. He genuinely felt like these people were really here to help out because they wanted too. Maybe Takemichi really was overthinking everything all the time. Maybe he wasn't as much of a burden as he thought he was.


If that were true then why did his Mizo friends leave? Why'd Hina leave? Why didn't his parents even want him?

"I love you so much. I want you to stay with me forever, like my house husband."

Takemichi shook the thoughts from his head, rubbing his face against the silk pillowcase, the fabric cooling him down. Mikey has said he loved him everyday since then and Takemichi thought that maybe this was real. Well, it wasn't anything like how Hinata was.

Was this real love?

Takemichi rolled again, tangling himself further in the blankets. There's no use in thinking about this, he thought to himself. He needed someone else's perspective on this because his was too biased and flawed.

The knock at the elevator door had him nearly jumping from his skin at how unexpected it was (even if he knew someone was coming).

He struggled to free himself from his blankets (again), "C-Coming!"

He felt his pulse begin to race as he finally stood in front of the elevator door. His lip trembled a bit in nervousness, but he opened the door before he needed to build up the nerve again.

The doors slid open to reveal... a man the same height as himself, maybe an inch taller or so, with long black and blond hair in a bun. His yellow eyes were soft and his smile was just as warm.

"Hello," He greeted with a nod as Takemichi stepped aside, hand gripping his cane a bit tighter, "It's good to meet you, Takemitchy-san, I'm Kazutora."

Takemichi watched the man enter the kitchen and set down a bag with some to go breakfast.

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