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It had been two days since they woke up in the same bed. Since the awful day where Mikey killed to protect his family and Takemichi spoke with his ex-girlfriend.

Mikey was confused by how he felt when he had woken up. He was used to being alone and not sleeping for days at a time, but with Takemichi he slept a full night's sleep for the first time in years. It was refreshing and it also made him confront what he'd been stonewalling for weeks now.

He was in love and he was content about it, but he was also filled with trepidation in the form of not knowing how to move past this. When Mikey woke up he was holding Takemichi who was curled up to him, head on his shoulder, their legs intertwined under the sheets. He'd never been so close to someone else before, never shared such an intimate position with someone else.

Mikey never wanted to move away, he wanted to stay like that with Takemichi for the rest of his life.

Takemichi though, he was panicking about the whole encounter. He had every worst-case scenario reeling through his head twenty four seven. His waking hours were filled with avoiding those haunting black eyes and enchanting smile. Mikey was beautiful and it was causing Takemichi physical stress.

But it hadn't been all stressful. They had been getting along very well, better than they had previously. Maybe it was because they opened up further to one another? Mikey cried and allowed himself to be comforted and Takemichi, for the first time since forever ago, was the one comforting someone else. 

That filled Takemichi with pride. He was embarrassed beyond belief when he woke up clinging to Mikey, but he was able to push that to the back of his mind when Mikey seemed so much better to have actually slept for the first time since Takemichi met him.

Was Mikey that lonely? Takemichi asked himself more than once over these last two days. Takemichi could understand that better than many.

"Mitchy," Mikey called from his bed. He was sitting on the edge with a huge lock box in his lap. It looked ominous, all sleek black and heavy looking. He was glancing over at Takemichi with a calm smile, "Come here. I wanna show you something~"

Takemichi placed a bookmark in his book and set down his reading magnifier on his night stand. He grasped his sleek grey cane and stood carefully from his bed. He had been insisting on Mikey have him walk more, so he gave no complaint at having to cross the room to Mikey's bed.

Mikey pat down next to him, "It's something precious to me, I hope you like it too."

Takemichi looked away from the softness of Mikey's smile and bashfully took the seat next to the other man.

Mikey didn't like the distance Takemichi left between them and scooted himself close enough that their legs touched. His smile never fell. Mikey was greedy, he wasn't going to tell Takemichi how he felt, but he'd push against any barrier between them violently. Maybe that was an exaggeration, but Mikey was doing his best to behave himself here.

"Wh-what's this, Mikey-kun?" Takemichi asked, glancing at the lockbox with curious eyes and ignoring how much he liked that Mikey pressed against him willingly.

Mikey's face became sentimental as he ran a hand down the metal, "This means more to me than anything really. It's my most prized possession. Be honored, cus I don't let anyone see this."

Takemichi's eyes widened, was this like, a sacred object or something?

Mikey reverently pushed in a multiple number code to the keypad then used a physical key to unlock the safe door... and Takemichi wasn't expecting what he saw.

"It's beautiful, huh?"

Takemichi was intrigued, that was for sure, because he'd never seen so many miniature flags in his life.

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