26: The Mission (part 1)

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Pretty chaotic reaction from Benny, Zee, and Alex when I introduced Jason as my boyfriend. I was surprised that Hanson didn't even tell Benny. Keeping the secret from the man he dated resulted a hard slap on Hanson's chest. Yeah, Benny was so afraid that I would find out him dating my best friend. 

"Holy crap, Simon. Did the break up really bend you?" Alex still couldn't believe I had boyfriend in stead of new girlfriend. I just shrugged my shoulder.
"Well, I would be gay myself if someone like Jason Xu came to me. He's a keeper, Simon. Don't let him slip out of your fingers. That card on your hand is legit, man." Zee's comment was a bit annoying but I had to admit that Zee had very good eyes.
"What do you mean, Zee? What is so special about the card?"
"That card alone is a legit proof that he's loaded. You must have at least ten millions invested in JP Morgan to be invited as an exclusive member. And that's US dollars, not ours." 
"So?" I gave a nonchalant respond.
"You've got yourself a sugar daddy. He handed you this card just like throwing away half million US dollars for you to spend." 
"He's loaded, I know it already. But that's not the main point. Can we talk about this sometime later? We need your investigation result, Zee. Who posted the headlines?"

We started working intensely. The source was sent from outside the country. The exact location was in a business center of a hotel in Batam, Indonesia. Batam was the closest point to Singapore, there were ferries every few hours a day between Singapore and Batam. It took only an hour. Our best bet was the person crossed the sea to Batam, used the hotel facility, sent back the photos to the editor, and posted as a public blog.

After a couple of hours of brainstorming on possible risks to do undercover investigation, we decided to start with our Boss and Stephen Chow. Hanson and Benny would pay a visit to Uncle Liem. Benny was Uncle Liem's adjutant so to get information as much as we need from Uncle Liem, Benny was the right man. I let Zee and Alex get busy with their laptops, I headed to the penthouse to meet Stephen. But first I had to walk Hanson and Benny to the lobby level. I couldn't tell them about the penthouse yet. I was still irked with 'Sugar Daddy' thingy.

"So, Benny, you go to the boss. Tell him what we are going to do. I'll update you after I talk with Stephen Chow."
"Okay, I'll be there until you call me."
"Be careful with Aleena."
"I know. She is short-circuit kind of woman."
"And you..." I turned to Hanson. "Find any gossips regarding the news. We need to know how our friends react."
"Yeah, they might react bad. OK, I'll go to our stations. Where are you gonna meet this Stephen Chow?"
"At Jason's unit." I didn't say the penthouse. The platinum card had stirred their curiosity.
"Yes, different floor. Stephen is Jason's good friend, and he helped Stephen by providing him a team of lawyers. They're having meeting there."
"We need to have a meeting with him and boss, too."
"Later. I need to know Stephen's strategy first, so we can adapt ours to theirs and vice versa."
"I'll be at the my station. Keep me update, OK?"
"Of course. Thanks, Hans."
"Just like the famous marine slogan: Semper Fi!" Hans raised his fist high. I frowned.
"Setia dan Bakti. Don't you ever forget our own motto."
"Fine.. fine... I'm going.."


Back to the penthouse, I found only three people sitting in the living room. Stephen, Jason, and of course Bai Yu. 
"Hi, where are everybody else?"
"The lawyers? Registering the complaint offence. One of them is with Liem LaoShi. How's the situation down there, babe?"
"As Zee has been hunting down the person who posted and sent to the news portal, it was from Batam. Alex now is still analyzing the CCTV from the restaurant and Sheraton. Benny is with Uncle Liem, and Hanson is in my station then to his own station. He gathered any info from inside. We could never be overly careful as there's possibility some of us hate the boss. The headlines was a means of defaming both parties. My boss and you, Stephen. Personally and professionally."
"Well.. That's what our lawyers suggested to. So, you do your investigation two ways, right?" Stephen looked at me, a little amused maybe. I gave him a firm nod.  
"I'd like to ask some question to you, Stephen. Before we set everything up."
"I keep forgetting that you are a police senior sergeant, sorry." He laughed and slapped Jason's arm. "Fine with me. What would you like to know?"  
"But first, I'd like to have a word with... you, Ge." I turned to Stephen's boss, my boyfriend.
"Sure." Jason got up from the couch and I followed him to the bedroom. 
I kicked the door behind me. He knew my need. I fell into my little me. I craved his caring touch.
"Daddy.. I miss you.." He locked my mouth right away. His whole body pinned mine at the door. How could I miss him so bad after being separated just for few hours? How could we survive without each other's company after this? We were out of breath after maybe five minutes or so.
"Baby, I miss you too. Badly. But let's do it now, the sooner it's solved, the better for both of us."
"I know." We hugged before we went back to Stephen and Bai Yu.

"Well, what do you want to know?" Stephen asked as soon as I came back to the living room and sat on the couch.
"As the caption stated, there must be a sore looser that your competitor lost very important deal. We need the names of the competitors in the last two years. At least five company or corporations with biggest lost."
"Do you need the numbers, too?"
"Not in details. Like the uniforms for the special force, the company must have won the deal big time. Just big number, if you don't mind."
"Sure, my staff will pass the info for you. As long as the boss doesn't mind." Stephen turned to Jason Ge. The boss gave him solid nod.
"I need every name you have been in harsh argument in public. Including your ex staff that you fired."
"On it."
"One thing worries me much, you signed with your name on the payment receipt for Uncle Liem. This also is potential weapon to defame you."
"I know. But that can be resolved relatively easier, as the lawyer said."
"Last thing, how do you handle with the news?" 
"It's been taken care off." The big boss answered my question. Stephen smiled.
"How?" Bai Yu raised his finger to call my attention.
"Ehem.. Mr. Xu is one of the major share holders of the media. He has very good... bargaining position with the executives that run the media. They don't have a better choice than deleting the post." Whoa... Bai Yu's explanation was a hard blow. How powerful is my boyfriend?!
"Well... Da Ge, why didn't you tell me earlier?"
"It's just... we have to consider every aspect of this incident and try every way possible to fix it. Not just fixing it right now, but also for not happening again in the future."
"Right. But I still want to know who did it and the M.O. behind it." 
"We still have to continue until we find who's behind all of this." 

My phone rang, from Zee.
"Yeah, Zee? Any news?" Everyone in the room suddenly fell silent.
"I've got the culprit in Batam. I think you want to see the footage yourself."
"OK, I'll go down there."
"All of you should go down there and let's see the culprit from the footage. Maybe you know the guy who posted it." 

All of us headed to the elevator. 
"Oh shoot!" Zee was surprised seeing us entering the apartment.
"What? Anything wrong?"
"I thought it would be only you, Simon."
"Stephen.. oops.. Mr Stephen Chow, Mr Bai Yu, this is Hamdan Zee the IT guy and that is Alex Khan the profiler." I introduced my team to Stephen and Bai Yu. After they shook hands, Zee gave me a sign to check on his laptop screen. But because it was not easy for four big men to cramp in front of the laptop, Zee plugged a cable to transfer the screen to the big TV.
"Here, do you recognize this man? It's a bit blurry, but is any of you familiar with his features?"

Oh fuck.. That was the head of Gou family. Lisbeth's father.



I'm so sorry, it's very long since the last update. Many things happened and I lost the mood. Also because I fell in love with a new Thai BL drama KinnPorsche haha...

Here is the Alex Khan played by Dev Patel:

Here is the Alex Khan played by Dev Patel:

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