13: Lovely Fait Accompli

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>>Zhou Yu Tong as Aleena Shu


Starting the day with mixed feeling. Fortunately the training schedule was analyzing security parameters on-site. We were working in small team and each team had to scrutinize the security data provided by the venues of the Summit Conference. There were 10 hotels and convention centers to cater the event. It was Sheraton 4-points for my team. They gave us the whole morning until lunch hour to study, memorize, and make escape plans of the venue. Handling the mountain of blueprints and safety manual of the Hotel kept me busy and somehow it was a very good distraction from the embarrassing morning incident.

His message came through just as I turned on my cellphone before the lunch break.
XuJ 12:22
Surgery gone great. Already out from the OT, still in recovery room before transferred to ICCU. No worries, babe. 

Thank God... I was not religious but the news made me need to say grace somehow.


Me 12:23
Thank you for letting me know about his condition. I was about to contact the hospital.

XuJ 12:23
They will contact me first. They won't contact you unless it's emergency and I'm out of the country. 

This man pushed the wrong button. He woke up the raging bull in me.

Me 12:24
Why won't they contact me first? I am the closest person to him, I'm legally his emergency contact.

XuJ 12:24
Can I call you right now?

Me 12:25I've got few minutes before lunch break.

His name flashed on the screen.

"Why do they change the contact number? What did you tell them?"
"Hold on, babe..."
"Don't babe me!!" I snapped. I pinched my nose bridge. I heard his long sigh.
"I miss you." His voice in deep baritone shivered me instantly. No. Can't. Nu'uh.. Not again....
"Just... What did you tell them?" My breathing was messy. He must have told the hospital something that they changed Uncle Liem's emergency contact person.
"Like I said, I miss you. So I told them that you were on a special mission regarding the National Security that they won't be able to contact you. This way I can hear your voice." 

Such a cunning perv.

"Babe? Simon? Are you still there?"
My brain was just whirling and once again my body betrayed me.
"Wh.. why did you do that?" My eyes were suddenly wet. I couldn't imagine how Uncle Liem would feel when he couldn't find anyone in the room. Alone. I was not a stranger to loneliness. In fact the dark feeling of loneliness just hit me few days ago.
"Listen to me, love. I know that you are not allowed to use any communication devices while on duty. Am I right?" 
Unconsciously I nodded.
"Simon? Did you nod?" Fuck.. How did he know that?
"Mm.. Yes." I just forgot to breathe. Shit.
"Yes for what? Yes for no cellphone or you did nod?" I swore I could see his smirk.
"I'm not allowed to use any communication devices." I heard his soft chuckle.
Hey.. why do I sound like a kindergarten boy getting scolded? My gawd...
"Good boy. I just love to hear your voice." I started to panic.
"Look, I need to go to the dining room now. How will you update me if I'm off from all gadgets?"
"You remember Bai Yu? My PA?" I nodded. Shit, I did nod again. I forgot.
"Yeah? What about him?"
"He's in the Hospital right now. He has his way in keeping close contact with your captain and above. If anything bad happened, he will reach you and me a.s.a.p. He even has clearance to meet you in person, and take you to hospital if you need to."

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