28: Super Dad For Super Brat

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It was already five in the afternoon. After setting up the next phase, we agreed to continue the investigation the next day. Zee needed his IT equipment at his home office to hunt down any info of Gou and Lee, personal and business as well. Before we left the apartment, we had the last meeting with Hanson and Benny by video conference.


What a day... 

At least the article was gone before noon. Digging, tracking, and hunting needed more powerful computation and that the laptops we had now were inadequate, so Zee had to go back home. Alex had dinner with his parents. I also convinced Uncle Liem not to worry too much, because all the info we could obtain today was more likely an attack towards Stephen's business. 

I opened the penthouse door and headed straight to bedroom when I heard voices in Jason Ge's office. He was still in the middle of meeting. I knocked once.

"Come in, Officer."
I smiled hearing his tone. It sounded like 'come in, babe.' I opened the door and I saw a group of people there. There was Stephen, Bai Yu Ge, and some people who I believed Jason Ge's associates.
"Sorry to interrupt. Just want to let you know that my team has finished for today, and we will continue a little bit tomorrow." From their seating position, I could only assume that they were also discussing their strategy. I could ask their big boss later. Someone stood up and approached me. His posture spoke military. Army, I guessed.
"Hello, Officer Simon Gong. I'm Joe Benson. How's the uniform?"
"Nice to meet you, Sir. The uniform?"
"The combat uniform we supplied for the Special Unit."
"Oh.. that uniform. Do you want my report, sir?" Suddenly all in the room laughed. What did I do..?
"Enough, Joe... You could be easily killed by my baby.. have a seat, babe." My baby.. Babe... ? What the heck...
"I really don't want to intrude." My face was in flame. Bai Yu  Ge gave me a chair and I immediately sat my butt before I fell into bigger embarrassment.
"No.. no.. not at all. We just finished ours. Hey, Boss.. How did you find him?" 
"Wearing your uniform." I cut him before their boss spilled anything about how we met. The room was once again cackling loud.
"So, we can say that the merch is lucky one."
"Definitely." The big boss snatched in. "Now, gentlemen, would you please share our work this afternoon to our fellow Officer Simon Gong and his team?" One man raised his hand.
"Right, boss. Officer Gong, I'm Chris Hwang. I handle the PR for EaStar, besides tons other things." I nodded and pointed to Stephen. Stephen smiled and gave a nod, too.
"Yes, Officer, I'm one of Mr. Stephen's directors. Shall I continue?"
"Sorry. Yes, please."
"Well, I try to put it in short. We found out that Gou Industry and Samudera Berjaya have tried to meddle our business. We already took some steps to ... what we call it... cage the case and prevent the case to get more complicated, in the sense of business, of course. It also means that we cut off some deals with their holding company or subsidiaries. Their dirty tricks today is a proof that they're not worth the deals. Any deals."
"So, your company will not do any business with Gou or Lee?"
"You can say that. In reality it may mean we delay some, we reject some others, or we simply cancel the contracts."
"Hmm. It means they will suffer greatly after this chaos, right?"
"Greatly, baby. And it could last for years." The Boss chimed in. Suddenly I remembered Lisbeth. She became casualties in this war, just because of her father's stupidity.
"Well, from my team, we will sum up tomorrow and hand the report to Uncle Liem. It's up to Uncle what he's gonna do with the data. He can charge personally and formally."
"Stephen and I will go with you to visit him."
"OK. I let you know when the report is ready." My boyfriend nodded and suddenly stood up. He clapped his hands.
"So people... Scram! I need my time with my baby.." Everyone but me roared in laughter. They shook my hand and patted my shoulder. I was ... just embarrassed I couldn't speak a word. The penthouse suddenly fell into silence as Bai Yu Ge closed the door behind him. 

"Tired, babe?" I nodded. "Come here." 
I walked to him. He was back to his big leather executive chair. His arms were waiting for me. Gosh.. I missed him. I sat on his lap and he gave me my favorite bear hug. I inhaled his scent, buried my face in his broad chest. We were enjoying the moment without words. Just being together soothed my emotion a lot. I was so addicted to this great man. I was drawn into my space in no time. I played his shirt buttons.
"I want to forget the case for a while."
"What do you want to do, baby?"
"Can we stay like this a little longer?"
"Sure." He kissed my head, my temple, my eyes.
"Yes, angel?"
"Tell me when you saw me the first time."
"Oh, that. I saw you having a good time with your friends at Ritz Carlton. You were so handsome and cute. I love your shy smile when they pushed you to a poster and took photos. I found out that you were the poster boy."
I snorted my laughing. That long forgotten moment in my life.
"What so funny, love?"
"I forgot about being a model."
"What happened after that? I tried to find you, I almost gave up. Until the bar incident."
"My friends at my station sent my photos to a modelling competition. Nothing serious, they just wanted to joke around. Nobody thought that I would win the first, just from some random candid photos taken from a cellphone."
"Of course you'd win. With this cute handsome face, the height, and well built body, you'd pass to Paris runway, babe."
"I don't have the confidence, besides I already made myself an Officer."
I enjoyed his caressing on my back. So soothing. 
"The first winner won a contract as the face of the sponsor product. I made my face plastered on posters all over the country just in one week after the contest."
"Then what really happened after the Ritz?"
"I got yelled by my boss, of course. The police administration contacted the producers, the committee, everyone involved in putting my face all over the country. While I was facing detention, Uncle Liem took over the matter. He sent me to STAR - Special Tactics And Rescue. Not easy but it was way better than being locked and demotion."
"So, that's why I couldn't find any info about you."
"Once you enter the special unit of Police Force, you don't exist if the level of training is as high as mine. "
"But I'm glad I found you back. You just don't know how much you had given me the impact."
I tapped his chest. I snuggled more.
"I love cuddling like this. Maybe... "
"Maybe what, baobei?"
"I.. Maybe I just miss my parents. I remember the night before they left to China. We cuddled together in their bed. I was crying because I couldn't go with them. I had to stay at our neighbor. I was waiting for their return, but some police officers came and took me to foster home."
"Did you know where in China they were going?"
"I've done tracking for many times. It's like hitting the Great Wall. No clue. Nothing. They only mentioned Szechuan, and they talked the language only between them. I don't understand it at all."
Suddenly, my stomach growled. 
"I promise you, we will find your family there in Szechuan. Now, this tummy needs filling."
I giggled. I needed one more snuggle, though.
"Thank you, Daddy." He nodded and kissed me softly.

He ordered food and we continued cuddling more at the balcony of the bedroom. Yes, even the bedroom had a small balcony. He fed me and didn't let me eat by myself. His caring diminished all the stress because of the case. It was surprising and completely new to me. I used to vent all the stress with fighting or at least an extra regime at the gym.

Well... Tomorrow is another day. Another battle. 

Tonight is snuggle and cuddle for me. I decided to put aside all the questions regarding the drastic measure he took against Gou and Lee.

Carpe Diem.


I apologize for a bit longer to update. I just got recuperating from indigestion problem. I already had a draft before I got sick, so this is the best I can do after my brain was like scattered around for two weeks.

First thing shocking me was some of the pics in this book are gone. So I did some revisions and replaced the pics.

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