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DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

You may not copy, reproduce, distribute, transmit, modify, create derivative works, or in any other way exploit any part of copyrighted material without prior written permission.

Please be advised that this book contains strong language, trigger warnings, and mature themes that may be objectionable to very young audiences. Read at your own risk.


"We thank you for choosing Cebu Pacific, your airline of choice!"

As soon as the aisle I belonged to finally announced to disembark from the plane, my heart pumped rapidly, as different emotions rushed through my whole system.

I felt a sudden hint longing...that turned into guilt, fear, and eventually, pain.

I didn't know that I was walking like a wholeass zombie while getting inside the airport, until I heard someone curse behind me. That's when I realized that I was causing a slow down for the other passengers. I immediately apologized to them and walked my way faster.

"For pete's sake, get a grip," I whispered to myself.

Gladly, I normally passed through passport control. And finally retrieved my baggage. As I finally went outside of San Jose Airport, I immediately got on a ride I booked with the help of someone I know from here. There are no taxis and other big public transport here, since they are keeping this province from being polluted.

While we were on the road, I kept on staring at the window with a small smile, admiring the clouds and how the sun shone so brightly in the peaceful sky.

The summer sky. The season where it all started.

My smile immediately faded as I remembered those days. "You don't deserve this," I whispered to myself, gritting. I don't deserve to feel this way. This peace.

I stared at my hands that were clenched due to great anger. Anger for myself. Because I am a fucking bastard! An asshole... A coward.

"I'm sorry if you regret meeting me. "

"I'm sorry for falling in love with you."

Hearing those words in my head, over and over, felt like a dagger was stabbed in my heart. And I can't do anything to remove it, because I deserve it, stuck there deeply.

Because I was the reason...the fucking reason that her precious heart was torn into two.

Her beautiful eyes were filled with tears.. And it was because of me! Her face, her voice, everything! Everything was overflowing with pain at that moment. The moment I regret the most! The time I hurted her. The time I made her give up on me.

Serenity in my Storm (GOAL DIGGERS SERIES #1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon