Chapter 2

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I was eavesdropping on Director Bouc's and detective Poirot's conversation when I heard something that concerned me. The German professor asked not to be seated with the black man because " like should be with like. We are not alike." he said. " Are you really so concerned as a man of science about something as primitive as racial purity, Professor? Some of us would like to have a normal train ride without talk of this." I told him. " Quite. Not all of us are so concerned with the separateness of races, Professor." the red haired lady behind me said. " It is out of respect for all kinds that I prefer to keep them separate. To mix your red wine, and the white would be to ruin them both." he replies to the both of them. I roll my eyes, and smile as the red haired lady pours the red wine into the white, swishes it, and turns to the professor and says, " I like a good Ros'e." before drinking it. She then grabs her book, and leaves the dining car smiling at me before disappearing completely.

Later that night I came back from the dining car full and satisfied from dinner. It was only 9 pm, but I was exhausted. As I got into my nightgown a note slipped under my door. "Cassetti is here." it read. I sat on her bed suddenly dizzy with confusion and fear. Cassetti, the man who had killed my family. Cassetti, who had tried to kidnap me but failed. Cassetti, who murdered my baby sister. " But who is Cassetti on this train? And how does this person know my connection with him?" I whispered, lying down on my pillow. The questions repeated in my head over and over until I fell into a fitful sleep.

Glass shattered. She woke up to screams. She ran to her sister's room where an unknown man held her. The room was a mess, and the nurse was tied to a chair. "NO! GET AWAY FROM HER!" she yelled at the man. The man put Daisy in her arms before putting a knife to the girl's neck, and telling her to walk. She did as he said before elbowing him in the stomach. She felt the knife slice against her skin, but she ran opposite of the man toward her room where she tried to protect the sleeping Daisy. She ran to Daisy's room and helped the nurse get untied. Suddenly she heard Daisy crying, barely loud enough for her to hear. She ran to the room where the unknown assailant had Daisy in his arms, and a gun toward her. "put your hands up, and walk slowly toward the bed." the assailant said. She did as he asked not taking her eyes off her now sleeping sister. The figure slowly retreated backward before running off with Daisy. She jumped out of the bed, and ran after the man screaming and crying. The man turned around and started shooting at her. She felt a sharp pain in her upper arm as a bullet zinged past her. She ducked as the man continued running, jumping into a car, and driving off. "DAISYYYYY!!!!!"

"DAISY!" I screamed, waking up. I looked around realizing it was only a memory. I looked at my watch and saw it was close to 12 am. The train was stopped as we had reached Vinkovci. Maybe some tea might calm me down, I thought. I put on a robe, and some slippers, and walked out of my berth. I looked at the end of the hall where Pierre was. Or rather where he was supposed to be. Where's Pierre I thought. A shadow stood in front of me, and I looked up distracted. It was the detective. " What is it Detective?" I asked. " How do you know I am a detective?" he asked. " Because I read papers, and I know who you are, Detective Poirot. Now what do you want from me?" I asked annoyedly. "I heard you scream." he stated. " And." I replied curtly. " Well then." he said, fumbling, turning and walking back into his berth. I looked down at the empty chair at the end of the hall before turning back into my berth. He's probably answering a bell I thought, not really convinced. I realized I had been rude to the detective, but decided I would apologize in the morning. With that, I laid back in my bed, and fell asleep yet again.

I screamed as the train jerked to a stop, and I fell on the floor, hitting my head on the side of my bed. My door flew open, and I crawled to the doorway, holding the side of my head, and saw the red haired lady standing in front of me. " Did we die?" the detective asked his head in the doorway. " I think so." I replied back, closing my eyes from the pain in my head. " Are you alright?" the red haired woman asked. Pierre was shouting instructions to the very confused passengers as I replied to the woman, " Besides the bump on my head I'm fine." I brought my hand back to reveal blood. " Well, I didn't see that coming." I mumbled. " Oh dear, let's get you cleaned up shall we?" the red haired lady said. Suddenly I felt dizzy, so I just nodded, and was walked to the woman's compartment. She came back with a doctor with dark skin, and a kind smile. I know him, I thought, and looked around me at the red haired lady, and another lady with a dark hat. I know all these people I thought. I was laid down on a bed, and those same two thoughts were swimming around in my head, but I could not keep them straight. Then, I fell into darkness.

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