Chapter 8

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" Thank god." I mumble, once Miss Debenham is out of sight. Then I realized who is with me, and explain, " She's very kind to take me under her wing, but she is always there, and I need time to myself". " I understand ma cherie. Come, let us walk." the detective says, and we begin. " You did not state your address when I asked you too." he states. " I don't have a home address, I live in a boarding school in England. I didn't think you'd want that." I reply. " You have a slight British accent, but you have an American passport." he states again. " I was born in America, then I moved to England." I explained. " Have you heard of the Armstrong case?" he asked, and I nodded. "The man murdered was Cassetti. The man responsible for Daisy's murder" he continues, and I nod again. " How do you know this?" he asks. " I overheard you talking with Mr. Bouc." I said. " Try again." he says, and I sigh. " What I am about to tell you is going to implicate me so badly, but you must know. Then I will tell you my theory about this case." I say. We sit down at the table, and with that I begins.

" I overheard you talking with Bouc, this is true, but I knew through other means. My name is Lily Rose Armstrong. I am the only surviving member of the Armstrong immediate family. I changed my name because people were coming after me, paparazzi, newspapers, and all that. I didn't want it. My grandmother and aunt did not want to take care of me, so they shipped me off to boarding school in England where I have been ever since as Lily Rose Greenwood. I didn't need questions, didn't need pity, or anything like that. I just wanted to forget. And forget I did. I put all those memories in a locked box deep in my mind so I would never have to relive them over and over when I slept, or daydreamed in classes. Then I came on the express, and suddenly they kept popping up, one at a time. I recognized people, people on this train, from what I call ' the america days'. I thought I was hallucinating, but now I don't think so anymore. When Miss Debenham told me who she was, a memory of her came back to me. Then I overheard you say Miss Estravados' name and a memory came up of her as well. I thought it was no coincidence how so many people on this train look like people from my past, that they must be those people. Which brings me to my theory. I swear I did not know Cassetti was on this train. Not until I received a note stating that he was." I paused, giving him said note, and continued. " I saw the note that you found in Cassetti's room; the note about Daisy. I heard you tell Bouc the story of my family. I think they all did it. They all have a motive- my family. Someone here was Daisy's godmother, another my aunt and uncle, another our cook, my dad's best friend, etcetera. The only three I do not know are Macqueen, Pierre, and Professor Hardman. I do not know what evidence you have, but I'm sure from this you can piece it together. I will write you down a list of people, and what they were in my past. Then I need to go back to my compartment." I finished. " Miss Armstrong, I have a couple questions if you don't mind." he asked, and I nodded as I started writing in his notebook. " Why greenwood?" he asked. " I wanted to change it to Goldenberg, but Jewish names such as my mother's would not only be easy to connect, but also be dangerous at this time." I told him. He nodded. " Why didn't your family want to take care of you?" he asked. " I don't see why this has anything to do with the investigation, but my guess is grief." I replied. I finished the list, handed him the notebook, and walked toward the train. " Miss Greenwood." he called, and I turned. " I am sorry." he said. I nodded once, and went inside. 

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