Chapter 13

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He accused Miss Debenham of murder. That was basically the entire conversation as I understood it. He accused her of planning, and executing it alone, saying that her motive was a love of Daisy, me, and even Helena who she taught for a little while. Miss Debenham's demeanor changed. She was angry, she called Cassetti a pig, practically spitting it out. That he deserved to die. Not that I didn't agree with her, but I knew the detective was wrong. Suddenly there was a shot, and I jumped, revealing myself. " Lily, ma cherie, come here slowly." he told me, holding his arm tightly. I forced myself to move toward the detective, and now had a gun aimed at me. My breathing became faster and faster, I was shaking violently, but the hand on my shoulder, squeezing me, calmed me down slowly. Only it wasn't Miss Debenham's hand, it was the detective. I immediately was turned away from the shooter, who I realized was the good doctor. To me, known as my Dad's best friend. I looked at the detective's arm, and ripped the hem of my skirt. " What are you doing?" the doctor asked. " Cleaning up the mess you've made." I answered bluntly. " I have a gun, you know." he told me. " Then shoot me. I don't care anymore. Most people have gone through life never having had a gun to them. I have, now twice. All within the last five years. I don't care anymore. This world took my family from me, it ruined my life. I should like to see them again, my family that is. Give me you arm detective." I told him, and he did. I ripped his sleeve off, and tied my skirt hem around it tightly hoping to staunch the blood. " My family was taken from me, five years ago. I miss them every day, and I long to see them again. So, shoot me doctor. I know you were a sharpshooter, you could shoot me and kill me if you liked. And, if my father was your commander then you must be the best. Because my father only produced the best in his troop. Besides, it would let me see my family much faster, and you would be doing me a favor. So, shoot me, or shut up. Arm, detective. " I said, my back still turned as I took off my scarf, and turned it into a makeshift sling. " Mary, go. I can't let you take the blame for what I did alone." the doctor said, and that's when I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and turned around, staring death in the face for a second time. We all looked at him, the detective in shock, Miss Debenham in dismay, and me with carelessness. " Mary, please go." he said desperately. She looks at me sadly, and I nod. She runs out. " The girl speaks the truth. John Armstrong was my best friend, my commander. He believed in me. He sent me to medical school, gave me a future. Cassetti destroyed him." I looked down, knowing this was true. "In grief I found Mary. Then I found Ratchett. Our plan was to reveal him to the police, that's what you heard." he said, directing what he was saying to the detective. " But when I saw his face, I knew he didn't deserve a trial." Arbuthnot said, and I rolled my eyes, knowing he was lying, but the detective played along. "So you drugged MacQueen, changed the time on the watch, all so that you could lie about the time of death." he said. " I couldn't let Mary be accused, or Macqueen. My sins are mine to pay for, alone. I'm a soldier. A soldier kills to protect. And now Lily, Mr. Poirot I must protect myself from you. " Arbuthnot responded. I closed my eyes, accepting what was coming. Only it didn't come. A shudder ran through the train, and I stumbled. There was a fight between the detective and Arbuthnot. It involved his cane, and a bag of what looked like flour, along with the gun, and flying hands. Eventually, Arbuthnot was on top of him, and asked, " Why aren't you dead yet?" his hands around Poirot's throat. So, I did what any sane person would do. I took the gun that had fallen on the floor amidst the chaos, and put it to his head. " Get up." I said, angrily, and he let go. "NOW!" I yelled.

I had the gun to his head as Poirot got up. " You won't shoot me. You don't have it in you." Arbuthnot said. He was right, but he didn't need to know that. I cocked the trigger, " You wanna bet?" I say bluntly. He was silent. " My father was your commander so I'm sure you've put two and two together. He taught me what I know about guns. How ironic it should be that your best friend's daughter has a gun to your head?" I laugh drily. " Give me the gun Lily." Poirot says carefully. I look at him then back at the head of Arbuthnot, "You've caused me trauma and pain to last a lifetime because you held a gun to me. I hope you know that." I whispered before hitting him over the head, rendering him unconscious. I look at Poirot who is in shock. " You do realize I was never going to kill him right?" I ask, and he hesitates before nodding. I give him the gun. " You were right." he said. " About what?" I ask. " They all did it. You solved the case, not me." he said, and I shook my head. " Mine was just a theory. You produced evidence and filled in the holes. Chalk it up to a team effort." I tell him, and a faint smile appears on his lips. Together we walk off the train.

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