Chapter 11

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The doctor was about to examine me when they heard a bloodcurdling scream. " What was that?" I asked. " I am going to find out. You two, stay here. Lock the doors, and try not to pass out Lily." he stated. " Oh ha ha." I replied sticking my tongue out. He winked before leaving. Miss Debenham locked the door before sitting down by where I lay. Only I did not want to lay. " Can we please get some supper?" I asked, and Miss Debenham nodded. " They probably want everyone there anyhow. Or they will soon enough. Would you like me to carry you"? " What am I, an invalid? I can walk." I say annoyedly. Miss Debenham helped me out of bed, and together we make our way to the dining car.

We get some food before making their way to what I called " the bar car". Because it had a bar, if that wasn't obvious. I sat down next to my old cook as Miss Debenham stood right next to her. A few silent minutes later, Mrs. Hubbard is walked in by the good doctor. " The killer didn't hit a lung or artery. She's lucky to be alive." he tells us. " You all are. Yeah some genius. Why haven't you solved this case?" she barked. " Maybe it's because you keep yapping your mouth, he can't think straight. I know I can't." I mumbled annoyed. " You do realize I was just stabbed right?" the old lady shot back. " And I was thrown off a bridge. Life isn't fair. So shut up, stop your pity party, be patient, and let the man work!" I yelled back silencing the old lady. Miss Debenham gave my shoulder a squeeze as I sat back down, either in caution or pride I didn't know. " Accosting Mr. Macqueen and the real killer is right here. One of you people." Mrs. Hubbard said lowly, sending chills up my arms. " Or killers." I whispered to myself. I was silent until Mr. Bouc spoke up, " My friends, the tracks will be cleared by morning please return to your rooms". " I'm sleeping here, where everyone can see me, and I can see everyone." Miss Debenham stated, resting her hands on my shoulders, and I nodded in agreement. " You should all do the same. Conserve heat, remain in the open safely in view until morning. A killer will never hesitate to kill again. I will convey the same message to the Andrenyis, diplomatic immunity or not." Poirot said, walking out.

We set up the bar car for sleeping. Men on one side, women on the other. The only ones absent were the Princess Dragomiroff, her maid, Hildegarde Schmidt, and my aunt and uncle. Known to me as my sister's godmother, and my old cook. Mrs. Hubbard got the long sofa because of her stab wound. Miss Debenham, Miss Estravados, and I, the only other women there, brought some blankets and pillows, laid them on the floor next to each other. I was surprised to find myself more protected than I ever had been in my life, lying in between the two women. For the first time in days I fell asleep calmly.

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