6 • Rich Snobs

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Homer's pov

Grumbling as I down the flute of champagne, not bothering to smile at any of the guests. "You know if you keep glaring at Mama's guests you'll have wrinkles." I hear making me turn to Maverick who wore a simple button down shirt and slacks.

"I don't give a fuck Maverick. These people can go fuck themselves." I growl to him. "Well why don't you walk around, attempt to be less of a asshole. I have a feeling you'll enjoy yourself." Maverick said making me roll my eyes as I stand up.

There was a reason I never liked these events. All these people are just rich snobs who come from old money or supported by their family. They don't care about starving children, endangered animals, or even the homeless. These people looked down on those who needed government assistance. Looked down on those that can't afford the best.

"I wish this night was over already." I mutter to myself as I pass a older couple who talked quietly amongst themselves. Reaching the facilities, I bump into someone "I'm sorry. Are you alright?" I ask but they already walked away with a polite "Excuse me" Turning around I see the dreadlocks that I've dreamed about in a neat high bun, his suit a deep wine color.

Blinking, I try to find him in the crowd but he seemed to disappear into thin air. Forgetting all about wanting to go to the restroom, I walk quickly to go back to my seat before a woman stops me. "You're Homer Watson. The prestigious lawyer." She smiled offering me her hand which I shook as my eyes tried to find a wine colored suit.

"I'm sorry, I'm not good with names. Who might I be talking to?" I asked though I didn't care what her name is. "Margret Hansel. I'm the sole owner and proprietor of a chain of hotels." She drawled as I secretly roll my eyes. "That's nice." I say nodding.

"I would ask you to dance but Georgia is about to speak. It was nice speaking to you." She smiled walking away. Turning around not saying anything I find my seat as Georgia starts her speech.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen. I hope you are enjoying the tonight. Today instead of buying lavish vacations you will be recieving a person's time. Twenty four hours to be exact. I personally have randomly picked the contestants. There are a few rules though the contestants will not be made to do anything against their will. The contestants will also not be made to clean up or anything like that. Think of it like a sugar baby without the money and no vacation. Any infraction I will hunt you down are we clear." Georgia smile getting deadly serious despite the soft chuckles in the crowds. But I could tell she was serious.

I'll give Georgia credit, she might hang out with some snobby people but she never treated anyone less than.

"So are you ready to begin?" She smiled.
I watched as Georgia carried on with the bidding as I watched the crowd for Jeremy. I desperately wanted to see him or talk to him. 

My brain had been gripped with thoughts of dreadlocks scattered across my pillow. "And not the out due the rest by our final contestant. We have Jeremy Gorman he owns Tobias Aid Clinic. Helping our veterans heal and our military families grieve. Let's start the bid at ten thousand shall we." Georgia said as Jeremy stood beside her.

My eyes focused on Jeremy as I heard numbers being called up. Before I knew what was happening I yelled out twenty thousands. "Twenty thousand do I hear twenty five." Georgia said. "No. Alright. The bidding is over. Jeremy Gorman spends a day with Homer Watson. Contestants go meet your bidders. Have a nice night everyone." She walked off the stage smiling at Jeremy. Standing up I see Jeremy standing in shock as his dark forest green eyes set on me.

Going up to Jeremy, I sigh in relief. "Hey Jeremy." I say softly to him. "You're Peach's brother." He said simply said. "Yes I am. I was wondering if tomorrow you'll go out with me. Like a date" I ask him feeling nervously. "Go on a date with a man that is perfectly straight, hmm. Na-ada azụ azụ." He said in a foreign tongue. (Sounds fishy)

"I know but at the end of the day you're who I want." I say to him. "What are you saying?" Jeremy asks me raising his eyebrow. "I want to try a relationship with you. I want to try with you, if you let me." I said stepping closer to him.

"If I don't enjoy myself on this date, you won't hear from me again do you hear me Homer?" Jeremy sighed closing his eyes. "Alright. Cool." I said trembling with excitement. "Why do you look like a kid who just got off their first roller coaster?" Jeremy chuckled.

"Because I haven't been able to get you out my head for the  past week since we had sex. I realized after this week that I was really attracted to you. From you eyes, the way you hold yourself, to how long your hair is." I said to him. "Hmm. If I find anything fishy about this. я отрежу тебе яйца." Jeremy said a growl coming closer. (I'll cut your balls off)

"You know that's incredibly sexy when you speak a different language." I whispering in his ear. "Well I do speak five languages." Jeremy winked at me as we walked back to my table.

"Mr. Watson I would like that dance now." I hear from behind me making me roll my eyes. "Listen, I don't want to dance with you lady." I say my face contorted into a snarl as I looked at her.

Her face turned beet red as she went to swing on me but Jeremy caught her hand. "Let's not resort to violence it's very unsightly. Have a nice night Ms. Hansel." Jeremy smiled and I saw her blush before she nodded to herself.

Turning to me he handed me his phone. "Give me your number. I'll send a address to you pick me up from there." Jeremy said as we exchanged numbers. "See you tomorrow Jeremy." I said smiling at him.

"See you tomorrow Homer." Jeremy said as we left the charity event

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