Young Jiraiya X reader

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You were walking down the street looking for your partner who has been missing since last night. You walked by the flower shop and stoped as the door opened revealing Jiraiya himself. Your jaw dropped and his eyes got wide.

"You didn't" you said

"No no! I didn't." He said before he paused "ok I did"

"You're sick" you said walking forward.

"It's not even like that" he said walking next to you.

"I don't even want to know what it's like" you said ending the conversation.

As you both walked you got lost in thought. You liked Jirya but you never said anything because you were scared. Past relationships and sexual encounters didn't help. All your past partners were rough and mean while you were gentle and kind. They took advantage of you and if you didn't comply to their sexual needs they would tell people that you and say some pretty nasty things about you. So you stopped liking expel but then you met Jiraiya. He was so kind and nice to you. After some time you started to like him but he was so caught up in every other girl he saw and you were scared because of your past you never said anything.

Listening to him talk about the girl he would be with made you feel sad. It made you wish it were you but by the way he described what he did made you think he was aggressive but he was the exact opposite. While he talked you stayed quite and it didn't go unnoticed.

"Hey we should stop for lunch before we go" he said looking over at you but you didn't respond. "Y/n?"

"Oh yeah, sorry lost in thought" you said.

He just looked at you and nodded. You both walked into the restaurant and sat down to eat. You got some water and he got a few drinks. He made you laugh as he made stupid little jokes. You shook your head and sighed. He was pretty out of it, and he probably wouldn't remember much of tonight anyway, why not say how you feel.

"Y/n, let me tell you you look amazing today" he said hiccuping after. "But you look amazing everyday" he said taking another drink.

Never mind about the feelings thing.

"Okay i think that's enough" you said taking the bottle away from him. "It's time to go"

"Just one more" he said reaching for the bottle again.

"No no come on lets go" you said moving the bottle and helping him get up.

"You're no fun" he said walking with you. "What about the check?" He said looking back.

"I already paid it" you said as you both left the store.

As you both walked he said begged to pay you back but you just told him no. You brought him back to your house because it was closer. You opened the door and sat him down on the couch.

"Wait here I'll be back." You said as he leaned back and nodded.

You walked into your bedroom and pulled back the blankets. You fluffed up the pillows and went back to get him. Thank god he was in the same place. You helped him get up and brought him to your room. You sat him down on your bed and he put his hands on your hips to try and keep himself upright. His action making you blush..

"Lay down and get some rest we leave in the morning" you said and he nodded.

You but him under the covers and walked out ad shut the door behind you. You went into your kitchen and sighed when you heard a knock on the door. You walked over to open it and saw your friend Mina.

"Oh hey i thought you were gone" she said surprised to see you.

"I was supposed to be which begs the question of why you are here?" You said with a confused look.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2022 ⏰

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